Daily Archives: February 15, 2017


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A new term “Gruppenbezogene Meschenfeindlichkeit” – meaning roughly “Group related human hostility” is making the rounds in Germany.
What it means is simply racism against minorities. And the article points it out, 25% of Germans are against Rroma and Sinti.

– Ein Begriff macht Karriere: “Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit”. In: Telepolis. 11.02.2017. https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Ein-Begriff-macht-Karriere-Gruppenbezogene-Menschenfeindlichkeit-3622607.html [link-preview url=”https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Ein-Begriff-macht-Karriere-Gruppenbezogene-Menschenfeindlichkeit-3622607.html”]

France: A Different Story

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For once a more positive story in France of a Rrom from Bulgaria who now works for the municipality. This simply shows that instead of chasing them again and again, France could easily absorb these ca. 25 thousand Rroma.

– VIDEO. Nikolaï, rom bulgare…devenu agent de la mairie de Paris. In: Le Parisien. 13.02.2017. http://www.leparisien.fr/paris-75013/nikolai-rom-bulgare-devenu-agent-de-la-mairie-de-paris-13-02-2017-6678777.php#xtor=AD-1481423551 [link-preview url=”http://www.leparisien.fr/paris-75013/nikolai-rom-bulgare-devenu-agent-de-la-mairie-de-paris-13-02-2017-6678777.php#xtor=AD-1481423551″]

Ukraine, Health, and Discrimination

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The Ombudsman has acted against discrimination of Roma in the Odessa hospital. Valery Lutkovska, Ukraine’s Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights insists that discrimination against Roma in accessing health services is inadmissible.
Monitoring the rights of Rroma in Ukraine showed that among the list of the many challenges they face, there is a particularly acute problem of discrimination in accessing health services.

– Омбудсмен выступила против дискриминации ромов в одесских больницах. In: УСИ. 14.02.2017. https://usionline.com/2017/02/14/ombudsmen-vystupila-protiv-diskriminatsii-romov-v-odesskih-bolnitsah/ [link-preview url=”https://usionline.com/2017/02/14/ombudsmen-vystupila-protiv-diskriminatsii-romov-v-odesskih-bolnitsah/”]
