Daily Archives: February 17, 2017

Kosovo: The Other Victims

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The other victims of the Kosovo war, the Serbs, the Rroma, Moslem Slavs, Turks, and even Albanians are increasingly asking for justice. Many of them were killed by the UCK, were ethnically cleansed from their ancestral homes.
Up till now, no one was condemned for those acts, even in the case of Haradinaj who was judged in the Hague’s tribunal. In that latter case, several witnesses were subjected to extreme pressure not to appear in court.
Let’s hope for justice!

– Les victimes de «second ordre» du Kosovo. In: La Tribune de Genève. 13.02.2017. http://www.tdg.ch/monde/victimes-second-ordre-kosovo/story/22753153
– Oubliées, les victims de la rébellion kosovare réclament justice. In: Media 24. 13.02.2017. https://www.medias24.com/filafp/afp-81110-Oubliees-les-victimes-de-la-rebellion-kosovare-reclament-justice.html [link-preview url=”https://www.medias24.com/filafp/afp-81110-Oubliees-les-victimes-de-la-rebellion-kosovare-reclament-justice.html”]

Germany: New Association in Augsburg

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A new association for Rroma and Sinti in Augsburg has been created and is being officially presented at the town hall. The organisation wants to promote the culture, combat discrimination and stereotypes, and remember the victims of the Holocaust.

– Eine Stimme für Sinti und Roma: Augsburger Regionalverband hat große Pläne. In: Stadtzeitung Augsburg. 17.02.2017. http://www.stadtzeitung.de/augsburg-city/politik/eine-stimme-fuer-sinti-und-roma-augsburger-regionalverband-hat-grosse-plaene-d21806.html [link-preview url=”http://www.stadtzeitung.de/augsburg-city/politik/eine-stimme-fuer-sinti-und-roma-augsburger-regionalverband-hat-grosse-plaene-d21806.html”]

Slovakia: Facts and Fiction

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An excellent article about facts and fiction or alternative news in social media, but also in the politics in Slovakia. Rroma are increasingly the victims of such false news, and in Slovakia, even the prime minister Fico, is spreading those lies.

– Hoaxes ascend to mainstream politics. In: The Slovak Spectator. 16.02.2017. https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20457561/hoaxes-ascend-to-mainstream-politics.html [link-preview url=”https://spectator.sme.sk/c/20457561/hoaxes-ascend-to-mainstream-politics.html”]
