Daily Archives: February 25, 2017

Slovakia and Education

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A Slovak action plans wants to reduce the disparities of the level of education between Rroma and the rest of the population as well as to improve the level of financial literacy (sic… and really?) amongst Rroma.
How about integrating Rroma in the regular school system instead of placing them in special schools?

– Ravasz chce lepšiu finančnú gramotnosť Rómov a rómske deti na SŠ. In: Školsky Servis. 22.02.2017. http://skolskyservis.teraz.sk/skolstvo/ravasz-chce-lepsiu-financnu-gramotnos/32792-clanok.html [link-preview url=”http://skolskyservis.teraz.sk/skolstvo/ravasz-chce-lepsiu-financnu-gramotnos/32792-clanok.html”]

Gypsies …

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A theatre representation in Germany attempts to address stereotypes on Rroma but nevertheless presents some of them, namely in this case music. The interview of the musicians saves the article, but again, the voice of one is valid for all Rroma.

– So leben, denken und musizieren die Roma. In: Braunschweiger Zeitung. 22.02.2017. https://www.braunschweiger-zeitung.de/kultur/buehne/article209701615/So-leben-denken-und-musizieren-die-Roma.html [link-preview url=”https://www.braunschweiger-zeitung.de/kultur/buehne/article209701615/So-leben-denken-und-musizieren-die-Roma.html”]

Slovenia: Rroma Legislation

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The United Left of Slovenia is proposing changes to the Rroma community act. They are acting together with the Rroma representatives who were against this legislation.

– United Left proposing changes to Roma legislation. In: STA. 23.02.2017. https://english.sta.si/2359504/united-left-proposing-changes-to-roma-legislation
– ZL v parlamentarno proceduro vlaga novelo zakona o romski skupnosti. In: STA. 23.02.2017. https://www.sta.si/2359529/zl-v-parlamentarno-proceduro-vlaga-novelo-zakona-o-romski-skupnosti [link-preview url=”https://english.sta.si/2359504/united-left-proposing-changes-to-roma-legislation”]
