Daily Archives: March 10, 2017

Slovakia, Rroma, and Animal Welfare

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A animal protection group in Slovakia is claiming that dogs are systematically abused in Rroma settlements. This assertion was taken up by several newspapers, fuelling yet another controversy on Rroma in that country.
Well, life is tough in the settlements, really so, and this reflects on all its inhabitants – including the ones on 4 legs.

– Are dogs being abused in Romani settlements in Slovakia? Romea.cz asks the authorities and experts. In: Romea.cz. 09.03.2017. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/world/are-dogs-being-abused-in-romani-settlements-in-slovakia-romea-cz-asks-the-authorities-and-experts [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/world/are-dogs-being-abused-in-romani-settlements-in-slovakia-romea-cz-asks-the-authorities-and-experts”]

Pikey … Now the Apologies

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The British students who did the Pikey night are now falling over to profusely apologise …

– British university students forced to apologise to Irish Traveller community after ‘pikey’ theme night. In: The Irish Times. 09.03.2017. http://irishpost.co.uk/british-university-students-forced-apologise-irish-traveller-community-pikey-theme-night/
– Students make grovelling apology to Irish travelling community after holding ‘Pikey’ social night. In: The Mirror.08.03.2017. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/students-make-grovelling-apology-irish-9990144 [link-preview url=”http://irishpost.co.uk/british-university-students-forced-apologise-irish-traveller-community-pikey-theme-night/ “]

Moldavia: An Activist

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A portrait of Cristina Raducan, a leading Rromani pushing hard for better schooling of Rroma children in her country.

– LA FÉE ROM QUI ENVOIE LES FILLES À L’ÉCOLE. In: Amnesty International. 08.03.2017. https://www.amnesty.ch/fr/sur-amnesty/publications/magazine-amnesty/2017-1/cristina-raducan-reseau-femmes-roms-moldavie [link-preview url=”https://www.amnesty.ch/fr/sur-amnesty/publications/magazine-amnesty/2017-1/cristina-raducan-reseau-femmes-roms-moldavie”]
