Daily Archives: March 18, 2017

Poland: Extremists and Threats

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Masked men are threatening Rroma in Zabrze, near Katowice. Then men for example forbid Roma youth use the gym and sports halls. They are a de facto that is hostile to Rroma. Several incidents took place, and were reported to the police who said they are taking those incidents seriously.
Let’s see …

– Zamaskowane bojówki czekają na Romów w Zabrzu. “Wiemy o wszystkim, co się dzieje”. In: Wyborcza. 13.03.2017. http://katowice.wyborcza.pl/katowice/7,35063,21491655,zamaskowane-bojowki-czekaja-na-romow-w-zabrzu-wiemy-o-wszystkim.html?disableRedirects=true [link-preview url=”http://katowice.wyborcza.pl/katowice/7,35063,21491655,zamaskowane-bojowki-czekaja-na-romow-w-zabrzu-wiemy-o-wszystkim.html?disableRedirects=true”]

Slovakia. New Twist!

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When one reads that “if Slovakia would help Roma enter the working force, then one would not need foreign workers”, one can only wonder. After all Rroma are better than migrants?
But the fact is, there is a real potential for Rroma in Slovakia.

– Roma to work in Slovakia. In: New Europe. 17.03.2017. https://www.neweurope.eu/article/roma-work-slovakia/ [link-preview url=”https://www.neweurope.eu/article/roma-work-slovakia/”]

Selma Selman’s Art

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An article about the art of a young Bosnian Rromni, Selma Selman. Worthy read!

– Beauty, Brutality and Roma Identity in Selma Selman’s Art. In: Warscapes. 15.03.2017. http://www.warscapes.com/art/beauty-brutality-and-roma-identity-selma-selmans-art [link-preview url=”http://www.warscapes.com/art/beauty-brutality-and-roma-identity-selma-selmans-art”]

Belgium and Beggars

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It starts also there … Activists are pushing the police and the prosecutor office to deal with the Rroma children begging in Belgium’s capital.
There would be simpler solutions … Like integration.

– Bruxelles: l’échevine Els Ampe dénonce les enfants mendicants. In: La Capitale. 13.03.2017. http://www.lacapitale.be/1806321/article/2017-03-12/bruxelles-l-echevine-els-ampe-denonce-les-enfants-mendiants [link-preview url=”http://www.lacapitale.be/1806321/article/2017-03-12/bruxelles-l-echevine-els-ampe-denonce-les-enfants-mendiants”]
