Daily Archives: March 23, 2017

Hungary – In case you had Doubts

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A documentary exposes the racism faced by Rroma in Hungary. The movie “Judgement in Hungary” opens this week in the US and reports on the trial of rightist extremists who killed 6 Rroma in Hungary in racially motivated attacks.
They were finally condemned after several appeals.

– Documentary exposes racism against Hungarian Roma. In: Jewish Light. 22.03.2017. http://www.stljewishlight.com/features/article_8ffb58e6-0f15-11e7-9e12-67cf14c9daa9.html [link-preview url=”http://www.stljewishlight.com/features/article_8ffb58e6-0f15-11e7-9e12-67cf14c9daa9.html”]

Switzerland: Con Men

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A Rroma family (clan according to the press) has been using the so-called “grand children” trick to defraud elederly people of quite a bit of money. The family is from Poland and is “thought” to have invented this trick.
According to the police, the have defrauded elderly people of up to a billion Euro…
Bad for all of us. But also bad that the ethnicity is being put forward here. And a whole bunch of other stereotypes. Shame on this.

– Enkeltrick-Pate Hoss zum dritten Mal erwischt. In: Tages Anzeiger. 22.03.2017. http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/panorama/vermischtes/enkeltrickpate-hoss-zum-dritten-mal-erwischt/story/27647149 [link-preview url=”http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/panorama/vermischtes/enkeltrickpate-hoss-zum-dritten-mal-erwischt/story/27647149″]

Montreuil – France: Exhibition

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A new exhibition opened recently in Montreuil near Paris on the “Gens du Voyage” – travellers – who stopped in that town since the 1970’s.

– https://www.facebook.com/243541745667724/photos/a.467597499928813.103886.243541745667724/1591654980856387/?type=3&theater [link-preview url=”https://www.facebook.com/243541745667724/photos/a.467597499928813.103886.243541745667724/1591654980856387/?type=3&theater”]
