Daily Archives: March 25, 2017

France and Integration

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A conference was held in Paris on the integration of Rroma in the country. The conference’s title was voluntarily provocative: “Pourquoi ne seraient-ils pas intégrables ?” [Why couldn’t they be integrated] and is a reflection of Manuel Valls’ statement a few years back stating that Rroma cannot be integrated.

– Le souhait d’une politique globale pour l’intégration des Roms. In: Politis. 23.03.2017. https://www.politis.fr/articles/2017/03/le-souhait-dune-politique-globale-pour-lintegration-des-roms-36565/ [link-preview url=”https://www.politis.fr/articles/2017/03/le-souhait-dune-politique-globale-pour-lintegration-des-roms-36565/”]

Slovenia and Muižnieks

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The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks visited Slovenia for four days. During his stay he criticised the country for its treatment of refugees and also for the continuing discrimination against Rroma in that country.

– Muižnieks: Upam, da novele zakona o tujcih ne bo treba nikoli uporabiti. In: Sio1 Net. 23.03.2017. http://siol.net/novice/svet/muiznieks-upam-da-novele-zakona-o-tujcih-ne-bo-treba-nikoli-uporabiti-438093 [link-preview url=”http://siol.net/novice/svet/muiznieks-upam-da-novele-zakona-o-tujcih-ne-bo-treba-nikoli-uporabiti-438093″]

Rome and the Rroma

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Finally, the integration plan of Rome’s mayor, Virginia Raggi has been unveiled. And there is quite a bit of critique against it. The Association “July 21st” has criticised the plan in a press conference, denouncing weaknesses and contradictions. The main issues are: The plan only covers a tiny minority of the Rroma in the city and the plan to put the Rroma in some separate settlement which would rapidly turn into a ghetto.

– Piano per il superamento dei campi rom: “Discriminazione e ritorno alle baraccopoli abusive”. In: Roma Fanpage. 20.03.2017. http://roma.fanpage.it/piano-per-il-superamento-dei-campi-rom-discriminazione-e-ritorno-alle-baraccopoli-abusive/ [link-preview url=”http://roma.fanpage.it/piano-per-il-superamento-dei-campi-rom-discriminazione-e-ritorno-alle-baraccopoli-abusive/”]

Poland and State Help

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As the Polish state is currently not helping, Gdansk, Poznan, and Wroclaw has initiated a project and a discussion on Rroma integration. They are particularly concentrating on Rroma without residency papers and on those who live in appalling conditions on the edges of the cities.

– Państwo nie pomaga, więc Gdańsk, Wrocław i Poznań chcą zawiązać koalicję na rzecz integracji Romów. In: Polsat News. 20.03.2017. http://www.polsatnews.pl/wiadomosc/2017-03-20/gdansk-wroclaw-i-poznan-chca-zawiazac-koalicje-na-rzecz-integracji-romow/
– Poznań, Wrocław i Gdańsk wspólnie chcą działać na rzecz integracji Romów. In: Onet Poznan. 21.03.2017. http://poznan.onet.pl/poznan-wroclaw-i-gdansk-wspolnie-chca-dzialac-na-rzecz-integracji-romow/k82mq6f
– Jak integrować Romów? Ma powstać wspólny program Poznania, Wrocławia i Gdańska. In: Wyborca. 20.03.2017. http://poznan.wyborcza.pl/poznan/7,36001,21523746,koalicja-poznania-wroclawia-i-gdanska-w-sprawie-romow-ma-powstac.html [link-preview url=”http://www.polsatnews.pl/wiadomosc/2017-03-20/gdansk-wroclaw-i-poznan-chca-zawiazac-koalicje-na-rzecz-integracji-romow/ “]
