Daily Archives: April 23, 2017

A Hole in the Head

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A long article about the movie “A Hole in the Head” about the Rroma Holocaust, as well as an interview of Raymond Gurene a French manouche who is 100 years old and who managed to escape the Holocaust.
It is interesting to see that this documentary has prompted many articles in the Slovak press.

– Hrôzy rómskeho holokaustu: Pri vraždení ich ani nepočítali, boli menej ako zvieratá. In: Aktualne. 16.04.2017. https://aktualne.atlas.sk/kultura/film-televizia/pri-vrazdeni-ich-ani-nepocitali-boli-menej-ako-zvierata-hovori-romskom-holokauste-autor-noveho-filmu.html [link-preview url=”https://aktualne.atlas.sk/kultura/film-televizia/pri-vrazdeni-ich-ani-nepocitali-boli-menej-ako-zvierata-hovori-romskom-holokauste-autor-noveho-filmu.html”]

Ukraine – and the Rroma Genocide

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A site devoted to the Rroma Holocasust in Ukraine and specifically, an exhibition on the deportation of the Rroma of Transnistria during World War Two. The Romanian regime deported many Rroma to the Transnistria region during the War, and many died there.

– ВИСТАВКА ПРО ГЕНОЦИД РОМІВ У ТРАНСНІСТРІЇ. In: Roma genocide.com.ua. http://romagenocide.com.ua/vystavka-pamyatai-aby-protystoyaty/ [link-preview url=”http://romagenocide.com.ua/vystavka-pamyatai-aby-protystoyaty/”]

Croatia and the Ustaša

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April 22nd is the day of the commemoration of the victims of the Ustaši regime in Croatia. The regime ran a systematic annihilation of its Jewish and Rroma minorities during World War Two. Unfortunately, these crimes are not universally recognised and the current Croatian government is even rehabilitating some people who were involved in the regime.

– Croatie: la condamnation des crimes du régime oustachi pronazi n’est pas unanime. In: FR Sputnik News. 21.04.2017. https://fr.sputniknews.com/international/201704211031018660-croatie-condamnation-crimes-regime-oustachi-pronazi/ [link-preview url=”https://fr.sputniknews.com/international/201704211031018660-croatie-condamnation-crimes-regime-oustachi-pronazi/”]
