Daily Archives: May 16, 2017


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https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/bleiberecht-fuer-selami-prizreni-jetzt [link-preview url=”https://www.openpetition.de/petition/online/bleiberecht-fuer-selami-prizreni-jetzt”]

Kiev and Rroma

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More than 300 people, roughly 100 families of Rroma have had to leave their homes in Kiev following threats against them. Just after the families left, 5 houses were torched.
This is ethnic cleansing and occurred just before the Europvision.

– Kiev Calling: Ethnic Cleansing Ahead of Eurovision Song Contest. In: ERRC Blog. 12.05.2017. http://www.errc.org/blog/kiev-calling-ethnic-cleansing-ahead-of-eurovision-song-contest/171 [link-preview url=”http://www.errc.org/blog/kiev-calling-ethnic-cleansing-ahead-of-eurovision-song-contest/171″]

Kosovo and Lead Poisoning

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The European Roma Right Centre is demanding justice and compensation for the internally displaced Rroma in Kosovo who were quartered by the UN on a site that was severely polluted, resulting in lead poisoning for many of them.
This was 18 years ago!!!!

– ERRC Demands Justice for Kosovo Victims of Lead Poisoning. In: ERRC. 15.05.2017. http://www.errc.org/article/errc-demands-justice-for-kosovo-victims-of-lead-poisoning/4575 [link-preview url=”http://www.errc.org/article/errc-demands-justice-for-kosovo-victims-of-lead-poisoning/4575″]

France: Holocaust Commemoration

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On the day of the Rroma resistance, commemorating the uprising of Rroma in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Rroma celebrated in St. Denis, next to Paris.

– Saint-Denis : les Tziganes se souviennent de leurs combats d’hier… et d’aujourd’hui. In: Le Parisien. 14.05.2017. http://m.leparisien.fr/saint-denis-93200/saint-denis-les-tziganes-se-souviennent-de-leurs-combats-d-hier-et-d-aujourd-hui-14-05-2017-6948240.php [link-preview url=”http://m.leparisien.fr/saint-denis-93200/saint-denis-les-tziganes-se-souviennent-de-leurs-combats-d-hier-et-d-aujourd-hui-14-05-2017-6948240.php”]
