Monthly Archives: May 2017

Turkey – Rroma Festival

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This week end, the Kakava Festival is taking place in Edirne.

– Kakava: Roma festival draws thousands to Turkey’s Edirne. In: TRT World. 06.05.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

New Hungarian Laws and Rroma

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The current laws targeting NGOs and the CEU in Hungary are a danger to the Rroma inclusion in Hungary. Several NGOs working for Rroma, the Roma Education Fund, the European Roma Right Centre, etc. are directly funded by Soros and would need to be labelled “foreign agents” as per the new law. This is not good.

– CEU and NGO crackdown: a double blow for Roma inclusion in Hungary. In: Open Democracy. 05.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Canada – Denied Boarding

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The Canadian government is denying that Rroma are being prevented from boarding Canada bound flights, stressing that this is the prerogative of the airlines. Fact is, it happens right now.

– Roma say they’re being barred from flights to Canada. In: The Star. 06.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Kotleba and Culture

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Yet another case where Kotleba’s party doesn’t quite like culture when it is not “pure” Slovak one… Here, they wanted to close an Art school, mostly for Rroma in the Banska Bystrica region. The ministry of education had to intervene.

– Barbar Kotleba: Kontroverzný župan sa pokúsil zlikvidovať umeleckú školu. Jej žiakmi sú najmä Rómovia. In: Pluska. 06.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Romania, Kitsch, and Rroma

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A new museum opened in Bucharest. It is a museum of kitsch. And a section thereof is devoted to Rroma kitsch – as stated in the article “A section on Roma, or Gypsies, regurgitates stereotypes. A pregnant Gypsy woman stands next to a model baby lying on the ground and a metal bucket full of sunflower seeds, the image of a poor Roma woman. In another corner, there are photos of ornate houses with turrets which are labelled “Gypsy Architecture,” a style of house favoured by some well-off Roma.”
Well in this case it is not only kitsch but also stereotypes.

– Romanian Kitsch Museum opens in Bucharest. In: WPXI News. 05.05.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

France, the Elections, and Manouches

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A 91 years old Manouche, Raymond Gureme, who himself is a Holocaust survivor, warns against Le Pen. Let’s hope for tomorrow. And it is good that such views are put forward!

– Roma Raymond Gureme warns of civil war if Le Pen wins. In: Al Jazeera. 06.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany and Refugees

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A report on by the German Press reports that there are more refugees arriving in Germany than in the whole of Europe … Responsible are internal European Refugees – a lot of them Rroma, according to this short report (not necessarily explicitly named – Bulgarians and Romanians are stated here – but who from these countries requests asylum?)

– Wie kann das sein? In Deutschland kommen mehr Flüchtlinge an als in Europa. In: Focus. 04.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Lety and the Czech Government

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The commemoration of the Rroma victims of the Holocaust on the site of the former camp of Lety (Czech Republic) seem in a bad shape. They were due to be held on the 13th, but the Rroma organisations are postponing their participation following the resignation of the Czech government. This resignation potentially endangers the decision to buy back the site from the operator of the pig farm located on there.

– European Grassroots Antiracist Movement postpones involvement by internationals in Lety commemoration/ In: 04.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia – Moving Rroma

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A mayor of a village purchased a house (on communal funds) to move Rroma from a settlement in a village to another village 20 km away. Basically, it is the politically correct version of ethnic cleansing.

– Starosta kúpil problémovým Rómom dom o 20 kilometrov ďalej. Je toto riešenie na chatrče a getá? In: Dennik. 02.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Police Pursues Kotleba’s Party MPs

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The Slovakian police interrupted a debate of a parliament commission to question a MP – Stanislav Mizík – from the extreme rightist party of Kotleba – and to charge him with crimes such as Holocaust denial. Another MP from the same party, Milan Mazurek was also charged with crimes for his comments on radio against Rroma, migrants, and Moslems.

– Police pursue MPs for racist statements. In: The Slovak Spectator. 03.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Thüringen and Survivor’s Graves

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The German state of Thürigen is the latest one who has moved to protect the graves of the Holocaust survivors. In Germany, if the family doesn’t pay, the graves are removed after a 30 years period. Now, the graves of Rroma and Sinti former Holocaust survivros will be preserved for posterity.
May they rest in peace!

– Thüringen schützt und pflegt Gräber von Sinti und Roma. In: Focus Online. 02.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Rroma Win in Sweden

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11 Rroma who filed a complaint against the police in Southern Sweden following the introduction of an illegal register of Rroma are being compensated by a Swedish court.
Well done!

– Court compensates Roma in Sweden. In: New Europe. 02.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Romania and the Holocaust

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72 years after the end of World War Two, Romania has still not come to terms with its past regarding the Holocaust. Romania, an ally of Germany, deported many Rroma to Transnistria where many of them died of hunger and diseases.
While on paper, a law was enacted for the survivors of the holocaust, granting them a small pension, most Rroma do not receive it – for lack of papers, but basically out of discrimination.

– A decades-old paper war: how the Roma are fighting bureaucracy. In: New Stateman. 01.05.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Coaches for Children

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The Vienna based association “Romano Centro” has started a project of educational coaches helping young Rroma children to learn.

– Studentische Bildungscoaches für Roma-Kinder. In: Der Standard. 28.04.2017. [link-preview url=””]


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The concentration camp of Dachau was liberated on the 29th of April.

– [link-preview url=””]

Hotel Gracanica

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An Arte Documentary on the Hotel Gracanica in Kosovo, a hotel run by Rroma and Serbs.

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