Daily Archives: June 12, 2017

Slovakia: Portrait and Memories

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A portrait of a Roma radio editor Igor Dužda. And some interesting facts about the pre and post war situation of Roma in Slovakia as well as the creation of the current slums in the country. These did not really exist prior to the war as Roma were found in every village, and if settlements there were, they were small.

– Prvý redaktor rómskeho rozhlasového vysielania Igor Dužda: Nemám rád nespravodlivosť. In: SME Domov. 09.06.2017. https://domov.sme.sk/c/20552820/prvy-redaktor-romskeho-rozhlasoveho-vysielania-igor-duzda-nemam-rad-nespravodlivost.html#axzz4jlJunxGG [link-preview url=”https://domov.sme.sk/c/20552820/prvy-redaktor-romskeho-rozhlasoveho-vysielania-igor-duzda-nemam-rad-nespravodlivost.html#axzz4jlJunxGG”]

Bosnia and Roma

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A reportage about the dismal living conditions of Roma in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Many Roma were displaced during the war – ethnically cleansed from Serbian regions – and are still living in temporary camps and settlements.

– NEDOSTOJNO ŽIVLJENJE ROMOV V BIH. In: RTV4. 11.06.2017. http://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/prvi-dnevnik/174476436 [link-preview url=”http://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/prvi-dnevnik/174476436″]
