Daily Archives: June 16, 2017

Slovenia: School Inclusion

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The International School for Social and Business Studies in Celje (Slovenia) conducted a national consultation on the integration of migrants and Roma in schools. As the project manager RoMigSc Nada Trunk Širca said, the project is aimed at identifying best practices for improving policies for Roma integration and migrant children in school.

– V Celju o vključevanju Romov in migrantov v šole. In: STA. 15.06.2017. https://www.sta.si/2398919/v-celju-o-vkljucevanju-romov-in-migrantov-v-sole [link-preview url=”https://www.sta.si/2398919/v-celju-o-vkljucevanju-romov-in-migrantov-v-sole”]

Italy: Amnesty Critique

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Amnesty International has issued a strong criticism of the European Commission for failing to protect the rights of pregnant Roma women, children and migrants in Italy.

– Amnesty slams EU Commission for failing to protect pregnant Roma women and infants homeless in Italy. In: New Europe. 15.06.2017. https://www.neweurope.eu/article/amnesty-slams-eu-commission-failing-protect-pregnant-roma-women-infants-homeless-italy/ [link-preview url=”https://www.neweurope.eu/article/amnesty-slams-eu-commission-failing-protect-pregnant-roma-women-infants-homeless-italy/”]

Naples: After the Eviction

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A reportage about the fate of the Roma who were recently evicted from a camp in the Italian city of Naples. It speaks of discrimination and of segregation.

– ‘We should be in the same neighbourhoods as the Italians – but we’re on the outside’. In: The Independent. 13.06.2017. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/roma-gianturco-camp-settlement-naples-evicted-demolition-homeless-amnesty-european-human-rights-a7778571.html [link-preview url=”http://www.independent.co.uk/news/long_reads/roma-gianturco-camp-settlement-naples-evicted-demolition-homeless-amnesty-european-human-rights-a7778571.html”]
