Daily Archives: July 1, 2017

Bulgaria: Manifestations

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The Bulgarian city of Asenovgrad, in the South central part of the country, saw a huge manifestation by resident against Roma. They are protesting the “illegal” residence of Roma and their “criminal” activities.
Needless to say that the illegal part has to do with the privatisation of the land after communism – Roma have been there since the Byzantine times, and the criminal activities, if any are not related to ethnicity but to poverty.

– Social Tensions in Assenovgrad not Subsiding. In: Novinite. 30.06.2017. http://www.novinite.com/articles/180937/Social+Tensions+in+Assenovgrad+not+Subsiding [link-preview url=”http://www.novinite.com/articles/180937/Social+Tensions+in+Assenovgrad+not+Subsiding”]

Czech Republic and Memorial

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The planned opening of a memorial to the Roma victims of the Holocaust in Hodonin, on the site of a former concentration camp, has been delayed indefinitely. This is the result of a possible transfer of ownership of the memorial and exhibition from the Education Ministry to the Government Council for Roma Minority Affairs.
Well, seems that the Czech prefer not to dwell too much on the fact that they killed nearly all Roma in the country during World War Two.

– Memorial to Czech Roma Holocaust delayed. In: The Prague Monitor. 30.06.2017. http://praguemonitor.com/2017/06/30/memorial-czech-roma-holocaust-delayed [link-preview url=”http://praguemonitor.com/2017/06/30/memorial-czech-roma-holocaust-delayed”]

Czech Republic, the President, and Lety

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Milos Zeeman, the president of the Czech Republic is against the closure of the pig farm situated on the site of the former concentration camp for Roma of Lety. He is reported to be doubting it was even a concentration camp …
No comments, apart from the fact that he should read history, and maybe activate some of his grey matter.

– Kritik an Zeman nach umstrittenen Äußerungen zu KZ Lety. In: Der Kurier. 30.06.2017. https://kurier.at/politik/ausland/tschechien-praesident-milos-zeman-nach-umstrittenen-aeusserungen-zu-kz-lety-in-der-kritik/272.667.724 [link-preview url=”https://kurier.at/politik/ausland/tschechien-praesident-milos-zeman-nach-umstrittenen-aeusserungen-zu-kz-lety-in-der-kritik/272.667.724″]


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Only yesterday did we write about the Aurora Café in Budapest, a place for the opposition to Orban’s government and to minorities.
The café was closed yesterday.

– Budapest schließt Alternativclub. In: Der Standart. 30.06.2017. http://derstandard.at/2000060552787/Budapest-schliesst-Alternativclub [link-preview url=”http://derstandard.at/2000060552787/Budapest-schliesst-Alternativclub”]
