Daily Archives: July 9, 2017

Czech Republic and Health

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Health inequality is a real topic in the Czech Republic with infant mortality among Roma twice as high as among the rest of the population.

– David Beňák: Health inequality in the Czech Republic a topic now that Romani infant mortality double the national average. In: Romea. 08.07.2017. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/david-benak-health-inequality-in-the-czech-republic-a-topic-now-that-romani-infant-mortality-double-the-national-average [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/david-benak-health-inequality-in-the-czech-republic-a-topic-now-that-romani-infant-mortality-double-the-national-average”]

Istanbul: Gentrification

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Roma are increasingly being driven out of the city they have lived in for more than a 1000 years. This time, it is the Tarlabaşı neighbourhood which is the target of the “renovation” – often given to good friends of the AK party…

– Gentrifizierung in Istanbul: Es war einmal ein Ort der Vielfalt. In: Alsharq Blog. 08.07.2017. http://www.alsharq.de/2017/iranturkei/tuerkei/gentrifizierung-in-istanbul-es-war-einmal-ein-ort-der-vielfalt/ [link-preview url=”http://www.alsharq.de/2017/iranturkei/tuerkei/gentrifizierung-in-istanbul-es-war-einmal-ein-ort-der-vielfalt/”]

Switzerland and Beggars

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The interdiction of begging that was put into law in Lausanne last year is being contested in front of the Swiss Federal Tribunal, the highest court in this country.

– Recours devant le Tribunal. In: Le Nouvelliste. 08.07.2017. http://www.lenouvelliste.ch/articles/suisse/recours-devant-le-tribunal-683662
– Recours contre l’interdiction de mendier. In: Le Courrier. 07.07.2017. https://www.lecourrier.ch/150912/recours_contre_l_interdiction_de_mendier [link-preview url=”https://www.lecourrier.ch/150912/recours_contre_l_interdiction_de_mendier”]

French Chronicle …

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More news on Roma in France – an usual pattern during the holiday season. In Marseilles, the largest Roma settlement of the city was closed, leaving 200 people on the street; another camp was closed in the Var, with journalist showing a video that suggest Roma were stealing scooters and cars; in Toulouse, a camp will be closed this coming Monday; in Angers, in Western France, on the one hand a solidarity manifestation for Roma and on the other, a camp that will probably be closed; in Lille, a Roma camp totally burnt down; and near Paris, a communist mayor launched an operation blocking a major highway to protest against a squat along that road and ask for the government to undertake something.

– 200 roms expulsés de leur camp à Marseille. In: FR3 Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur. 06.07.2017. http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/provence-alpes-cote-d-azur/bouches-du-rhone/metropole-aix-marseille/marseille/200-roms-expulses-leur-camp-marseille-1293165.html
– Marseille: évacuation du plus grand squat de Roms de la ville. In: BFM TV. 06.07.2017. http://www.bfmtv.com/societe/marseille-evacuation-du-plus-grand-squat-de-roms-de-la-ville-1211143.html
– Evacuation du plus grand squat de Roms de Marseille. In: Europe 1. 06.07.2017. http://www.europe1.fr/societe/evacuation-du-plus-grand-squat-de-roms-de-marseille-3381752
– Marseille: Le plus grand camp de Roms de la ville a été évacué. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 06.07.2017. http://www.20minutes.fr/marseille/2100127-20170706-marseille-plus-grand-camp-roms-ville-evacue
– Avec l’été, pour les Roms, le retour des expulsions et bien peu de solutions. In: Marsactu. 07.07.2017. https://marsactu.fr/avec-lete-pour-les-roms-le-retour-des-expulsions-sans-solutions/
– VIDEO. Carcasses de scooters, épaves de voitures… Un camp de Roms installé route du Malpasset a été évacué. In: Var Matin. 04.07.2017. http://www.varmatin.com/vie-locale/video-carcasses-de-scooters-epaves-de-voitures-un-camp-de-roms-installe-route-du-malpasset-a-ete-evacue-151309
– Roms, gens du voyage… Le campement sauvage de Ginestous sera évacué lundi, à Toulouse. In: Actu. 07.07.2017. https://actu.fr/societe/roms-gens-voyage-campement-sauvage-ginestous-sera-evacue-lundi-toulouse_9829324.html
– Angers. Manifestation de soutien aux Roms au jardin du Mail. In: Ouest France. 07.07.2017. http://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/angers-49000/angers-manifestation-de-soutien-aux-roms-au-jardin-du-mail-5119571
– Le squat du Chêne-Vert est menace. In: Ouest France. 07.07.2017. http://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/angers-49000/le-squat-du-chene-vert-est-menace-5122948
– Le camp rom de l’avenue Denis-Cordonnier entièrement détruit par un incendie. In: La Voix du Nord. 07.07.2017. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/188660/article/2017-07-07/le-camp-rom-de-l-avenue-denis-cordonnier-entierement-detruit-par-un-incendie
– VIDEO. Lille: Un incendie détruit totalement le camp Rom de la porte de Valenciennes. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 07.07.2017. http://www.20minutes.fr/lille/2101183-20170707-video-lille-incendie-detruit-totalement-camp-rom-porte-valenciennes
– Camp de roms sur la N315 : opération escargot sur l’A15 à Gennevilliers. In: Le Parisien. 04.07.2017. http://www.leparisien.fr/info-paris-ile-de-france-oise/transports/operation-escargot-sur-la-n315-a-gennevilliers-03-07-2017-7108101.php [link-preview url=”https://marsactu.fr/avec-lete-pour-les-roms-le-retour-des-expulsions-sans-solutions/ “]
