A young Romni fashion designed from Italy.
– http://www.saracetty.com [link-preview url=”http://www.saracetty.com”]
A young Romni fashion designed from Italy.
– http://www.saracetty.com [link-preview url=”http://www.saracetty.com”]
Another article about the lead poisoning suffered by many Roma refugees in Kosovo after having been parked by the UN in a camp build on a toxic waste dump. This has been going on for years and the UN has not done anything yet.
– LES MEHMETI, UNE FAMILLE ROM CONTAMINÉE AU PLOMB. In: Kosovox. 06.07.2017. http://kosovox.com/les-mehmeti-une-famille-rom-contaminee-au-plomb/
– Roma in Kosovo: ‘My children are poisoned by lead’. In: Al Jazeera. 19.06.2017. http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2016/05/roma-kosovo-children-poisoned-lead-160524060039653.html [link-preview url=”http://kosovox.com/les-mehmeti-une-famille-rom-contaminee-au-plomb/ “]
Three extreme right movements joined force in Hungary this week end for “ethnical self defence”, for the “protection of the white European race” and its “Lebensraum”, and against “Migrant and Gypsies”.
BAD and dangerous.
– Jobbik “verweichlicht”: Drei Neonazi-Gruppen in Ungarn vereinigen sich. In: Pester Llyod. 09.07.2017. http://www.pesterlloyd.net/html/1728neonazigruppen.html [link-preview url=”http://www.pesterlloyd.net/html/1728neonazigruppen.html”]