Monthly Archives: July 2017

Al-Jazeera on Roma Culture

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A long article by Al Jazeera on the Berlin European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC).

– Lifting Roma voices: Europe’s first Roma culture centre. In: Al Jazeera. 05.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Johann Trollmann

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A short bibliography of Johann Trollmann, a successful Sinto boxer in Hitler’s Germany.

– The Gypsy Boxer Who Proved Hitler Wrong. In: Cultura Collectiva. 22.06.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Budapest – Aurora Café

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A video of the police raid that closed the Aurora café last week. Roma organisations lost their only home with its closure.

– [link-preview url=””]

Central Council on Sinti and Roma

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The German Central Council of Sinti and Roma on Simone Veil, the French Politician and Holocaust survivor who just died in France.

– Nachruf auf Simone Veil. In: Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma. 01.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Republic – A Reportage

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An Arte Movie on Roma in the Czech Republic. Not new but definitively still actual.

– Les Roms, des citoyens comme les autres ? In: Arte. 2015. [link-preview url=””]

Timea Junghaus

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An interview of Timea Junghaus on the European Roma Institute of Art and Culture in Berlin.

– Timea Junghaus for Romani artists have the potential to create an innovative Romani identity. In: 28.07.2017. [link-preview url=””]

EU, Italy, and Roma

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An appeal to the EU Commission to defend the rights of Roma in Italy. While the EU is going to court against several central European countries for their discriminating policies against Roma, they are not doing anything in Italy.
They should!

– EU Commission must deliver justice for Italy’s Roma. In: EUObserver.03.07.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Health and Roma

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An interesting article on the economic rationale of improving Roma children health.

– The Economic case for Better Roma Health by Focusing on Early Childhood Development. In: EPHA. 29.06.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Republic: Outcry

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More reactions to the statements of the Czech President Zeman regarding Lety.

– Anti-racism campaigners say opening of pig farm at ex-Nazi camp is a “grave offence” In: Le Journal. 30.06.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Kosovo Tribunal

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The special tribunal for Kosovo is close to start its work. This tribunal was set up to investigate crimes committed by the UCK and its leaders during the 1999 war. The UCK, besides ethnically cleansing the region committed several crimes against minorities, especially against Roma.

– Le tribunal spécial sur le Kosovo bientôt prêt à commencer ses travaux. In: Le Vif. 28.06.2017. [link-preview url=””]

More on the Aurora

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Another set of articles on the young Jewish activists who have given a home to other minorities NGOs, especially to Roma ones as well as to LGBT organisations. Aurora was shut down last Friday – but the fight continues.

– How the young Jews of Budapest are resisting the rise of hate. In: Jewish News. 28.06.2017.
– Hongrie : un espace contestataire de Budapest dans le viseur des autorités. In: L’obs. 30.06.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Bosnia – Still not safe

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An article highlighting the fact that Bosnia, more than 18 years after the end of the war, is still not safe for Roma to return. Ethnically cleaned countries are not good for minorities.

– Sanel Ahmetovic: «Pour les Roms, la Bosnie n’est pas un pays sûr» In: La Voix du Nord. 30.06.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgarian Roma

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An article about Bulgarian Roma. The article is probably well intentioned, but by showcasing a prostitute in Germany who wires 139’000 Euros back to her home contry, contributes to perpetuate negative stereotypes.

– A Tale of Two Roma. In: Handelsblatt Global. 01.07.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

French Chronicle …

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Not many news lately on the Roma in France. In the Western part of France, in Nantes, the city has decided to fund a project for insertion for the roughly 1’800 Roma there, with of course Breizh Info protesting at what they see to be a waste of money; in Montpellier, in the South of France, residents next to a Roma camp are protesting and even going to court; near Paris, a member of Parliament for the Républicains made derogatory comments on Roma and beggars in general; a young Rom was beaten to death in the North of France, his assailants have been arrested – the press doesn’t mention their origins; and finally, a note on the current interior minister Gérad Collomb, and still mayor of Lyon and his anti-migrants views;

– Insertion des Roms : un petit début de solidarité. In: Ouest France. 28.06.2017.
– Roms : Nantes Métropole persiste et paie. In: Breizh Infos. 27.06.2017.
– Camp de Roms du Zénith Sud à Montpellier : le préfet se défend de laxisme. In: Midi Libre. 26.06.2017.,1526965.php
– Camp de Roms du Zénith à Montpellier : deux entreprises en justice. In: Midi Libre. 30.06.2017.,1529918.php
– «Armés de fausses cannes, ils partent sans payer» : les propos d’un élu LR sur les Roms font scandale. In: Le Parisien. 27.06.2017.
– Jeune homme battu à mort à Villeneuve-d’Ascq : la famille endeuillée menacée d’expulsion. In: France Info. 27.06.2017.
– « À Calais comme à Lyon, Gérard Collomb chasse les migrants » In: Rue89. 28.06.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Bulgaria: Manifestations

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The Bulgarian city of Asenovgrad, in the South central part of the country, saw a huge manifestation by resident against Roma. They are protesting the “illegal” residence of Roma and their “criminal” activities.
Needless to say that the illegal part has to do with the privatisation of the land after communism – Roma have been there since the Byzantine times, and the criminal activities, if any are not related to ethnicity but to poverty.

– Social Tensions in Assenovgrad not Subsiding. In: Novinite. 30.06.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Republic and Memorial

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The planned opening of a memorial to the Roma victims of the Holocaust in Hodonin, on the site of a former concentration camp, has been delayed indefinitely. This is the result of a possible transfer of ownership of the memorial and exhibition from the Education Ministry to the Government Council for Roma Minority Affairs.
Well, seems that the Czech prefer not to dwell too much on the fact that they killed nearly all Roma in the country during World War Two.

– Memorial to Czech Roma Holocaust delayed. In: The Prague Monitor. 30.06.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Republic, the President, and Lety

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Milos Zeeman, the president of the Czech Republic is against the closure of the pig farm situated on the site of the former concentration camp for Roma of Lety. He is reported to be doubting it was even a concentration camp …
No comments, apart from the fact that he should read history, and maybe activate some of his grey matter.

– Kritik an Zeman nach umstrittenen Äußerungen zu KZ Lety. In: Der Kurier. 30.06.2017. [link-preview url=”″]


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Only yesterday did we write about the Aurora Café in Budapest, a place for the opposition to Orban’s government and to minorities.
The café was closed yesterday.

– Budapest schließt Alternativclub. In: Der Standart. 30.06.2017. [link-preview url=””]