Daily Archives: August 26, 2017

Slovakia, Highways, Roma, and Unemployment Rate

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This is how not to make statistics … While correlating the unemployment rate and its decrease with the presence of highways, a small paragraph states:

“The most significant impact on the unemployment rate in the regions is the percentage of Roma. This is shown in each research or model. While in Western Slovakia, the Roma represent a low share of the total population, mostly up to 5% (according to the Atlas of the Roma communities), they are around 30% in the Gemer region, and in many other districts of Eastern Slovakia around 20%. We know from microdata that there is about 65% unemployment among Roma.”

– Ako IFP „zavrhlo“ výstavbu diaľnic. In: Dennik. 24.08.2017. https://dennikn.sk/blog/ako-ifp-zavrhlo-vystavbu-dialnic/ [link-preview url=”https://dennikn.sk/blog/ako-ifp-zavrhlo-vystavbu-dialnic/”]

Summer School

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How a 19 year old future teacher organised a summer camp in Slovakia for Roma children. And the camp is full – for, as she says, Roma children want to learn.
Well done!

– Budúca učiteľka má len 19 rokov, do jej letnej školy sa už hlásili desiatky Rómov. In: Dennik. 21.08.2017. https://dennikn.sk/851615/buduca-ucitelka-ma-len-19-rokov-do-jej-letnej-skoly-sa-uz-hlasili-desiatky-romov/ [link-preview url=”https://dennikn.sk/851615/buduca-ucitelka-ma-len-19-rokov-do-jej-letnej-skoly-sa-uz-hlasili-desiatky-romov/”]

Germany: The Story of the Family Weiss

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A story about a Sinti family in Post War Germany. This shows what Roma had to face in the aftermath of the War and Holocaust in Germany.

Die unerzählte Geschichte der Familie Weiß. In: Dewezet. 25.08.2017. https://www.dewezet.de/hintergrund/hintergrund-seite_artikel,-die-unerzaehlte-geschichte-der-familie-weiss-_arid,2397270.html [link-preview url=”https://www.dewezet.de/hintergrund/hintergrund-seite_artikel,-die-unerzaehlte-geschichte-der-familie-weiss-_arid,2397270.html”]

Pilgrimage in Lourdes

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The annual pilgrimage of the French travellers (Manouches et Gitans) in Lourdes closed yesterday., It is held from the 19th to the 24th of August.

– Le pèlerinage des gens du voyage à Lourdes. In: Aleteia. 24.08.2017. https://fr.aleteia.org/2017/08/24/le-pelerinage-des-gens-du-voyage-a-lourdes/ [link-preview url=”https://fr.aleteia.org/2017/08/24/le-pelerinage-des-gens-du-voyage-a-lourdes/”]
