Monthly Archives: September 2017


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It seems that Slovakia only sends Roma children for adoption abroad… This can definitively be qualified as state racism. The director of the Centre for International Children and Youth Protection Andrey Císarová, states that “international adoption is recommended by LEN children who have Roma ethnicity and are [thus] not interesting in Slovakia”.
No further comments.

– Slovensko posiela na adopciu do cudziny iba rómske deti, podľa Blahovej zo SaS je to rasizmus. In Dennik. 27.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Roma of Australia …

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An article about Roma in Australia, their origins, their stories.

– Their secret ways. In: The Australian. 30.09.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Don’t Send them Back

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Roma Manifestation in Germany aside to the German Federal Conference of Roma Youth to protest against the forced expulsions of Roma refugees.

– »Die NS-Zeit zu verharmlosen, ist ein Verbrechen« In: Neues Deutschland. 30.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: Conference in Freiburg

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An interview with a young Romni who is one of the organisers of the German Federal Conference of Roma Youth.

– Was bedeutet Heimat für eine junge Roma? In: Badische Zeitung. 29.09.2017.–142660661.html [link-preview url=”–142660661.html”]

Anina Ciuciu

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A few more days till the vote for the senate seat where Anina Ciuciu is a candidate. The election of this particular seat is taking place on the 1. of October and not, as we erroneously stated last week on the 24th of September.

– Roma woman vies for seat in the French Senate. In: The French Tribune. 27.09.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Autonomous Hungarian Roma Province?

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István Kamarás, a Hungarian Roma who fled to Canada and came back to the country, is advocating the idea of an autonomous Roma province in North Eastern Hungary. His main argument is the current corruption among the distribution of the EU funds for Roma and the inefficiency of Roma politicians in Budapest.
Still, this is a dangerous idea.

– Referendum proposed on autonomous Roma province in Hungary. In: The Hungarian Free Press. 28.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Why Roma Hide their Origins

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The German federal conference of Roma youth will be taking place this coming week end in Freiburg, Germany. The theme of the discussion is why many Roma simply hide or omit to mention their origins.
Many cite stereotypes and outright hostility as the main reason.

– Interview: Warum viele junge Roma und Sinti ihre Identität verstecken. In: Fudder. 28.09.2017.–142603167.html [link-preview url=”–142603167.html”]

Pilgrimage in Romania

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Pictures of the Roma feast of St. Gregory in Costesti.

– AP PHOTOS: Roma celebrate religious feast day in Romania. In: Idaho Statesman. 27.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Review of the Soldier Movie

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A review of the movie “Soldiers”.

– ‘Soldiers. Story From Ferentari’: San Sebastian Review. In: Screen Daily. 27.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

More on the San Francisco Beggars

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This is unfortunately typical… One negative thing about Roma, and it is all over the press.

– For Some BART Panhandlers, Begging Is Their Job. In: CBS. 25.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Beggars in the San Francisco Area

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The Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) in the San Francisco Bay Area has seen a large increase of panhandlers and beggars some of which are most probably Roma.
Bad publicity for all.

– Crew Of Panhandlers On BART Turn Out To Be Roma, Living In Hayward. In: SFist. 26.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

A Ciambra

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The movie “A Ciambra” has been officially named the Italian Oscar contender.

– A Ciambra named Italy’s Oscar candidate. In: Ansa. 26.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Italy: Still Waiting

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The Italian National Congress of Roma, Sinti and Travellers protested on the capitol to ask for the administration to close the Castelromano camp and for a real social inclusion plan. The locals complain of extreme conditions in terms of hygiene, with diseases spreading especially among the many children. “We ask the mayor to close immediately Castelromano. Conditions are no longer viable,” said Luigi Hamidovic, representative of the Roma community in Castelromano.

– Roma, sinti e rom in Campidoglio: “Basta campi e degrado, vogliamo casa e lavoro”. In: La Republica. 21.09.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Ukraine, One Year Later

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One year after the pogroms in Odessa, the situation doesn’t get better, to the contrary.

– A year on from Odessa “pogrom”, Ukraine’s Roma face rise in mob justice. In: Reuters. 25.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany, AfD, and Roma

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After the German elections, the German Council of Sinti and Roma is asking all parties to stand up for the rule of law.

– Nach Einzug der rechtsextremen AfD in den Deutschen Bundestag: Zentralrat fordert konsequentes Einstehen der demokratischen Parteien für den Rechtsstaat. In: Zentralrat Sinti und Roma. 23.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria: Really ?

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An article about the Moslem Roma “threat” in Bulgaria where several articles in the local press state that the biggest threat to the country is the islamisation of the local Roma.

– BULGARIE : LES ROMS MUSULMANS, UNE MENACE POUR L’« INTÉGRITÉ TERRITORIALE » ? In: Le Courrier des Balkans. 20.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovak Press and Spišský Hrhov

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Following the publication in the NYT, the follow up in the English Slovak Press.

– NY Times highlights partnership in a Roma settlement. In: Slovak Spectator. 19.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Anina Ciuciu

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No news so far, election was yesterday … Fingers crossed.

– From slum-dweller to senator? French Roma woman aims high. In: The Local (FR). 24.09.2017.
– Anina Ciuciu rêve d’être la première sénatrice rom de France. In: L’Obs. 22.09.2017.
– VIDEO. Sénatoriales: Et si Anina Ciuciu devenait la première sénatrice rom de France? In: 20 Minutes (FR). 22.09.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Germany, Roma, and Sterotypes

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The arrival of some Romanian Roma in a neighbourhood of the central City of Magdeburg is escalating. “They” as the Roma are referred to, are accused of being noisy, dirty, throwing everything in the street etc. And one speaks of 1’200 people (about half of them from Romania) in a neighbourhood with more than 15’000 inhabitants. Not a real majority …
It highlights the danger of stereotypes and generalisations.

– Wie aus einem Nachbarschaftsstreit ein Skandal wird. In: Die Zeit Online. 23.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]