Monthly Archives: September 2017

Germany, AfD, and Racism…

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No comments except shock…How about Germany being overrun by severely intellectually challenged inbread diversity adverse dinosaurs…

– Germany ‘overrun by Arabs, Sinti and Roma’ claims top AfD figure. In: IB Times. 11.09.2017.
– AfD’s Alice Weidel called German government ‘pigs’ in racist email, report says. IN: Deutsche Welle. 10.09.2017.
– “Man kann es der AfD zutrauen, auch Frau Weidel zutrauen”. In: Süddeutsche. 11.09.2017.
– AfD’s top candidate hit by ‘overrun by Arabs’ email allegation. In: The Guardian. 11.09.2017.
– Ça se passe en Europe : l’AfD embarrassée par un mail à contenu raciste. In: Le Échos. 12.09.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Kosovo Poisoning

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Still no progress – the UN refuses to acknowledge its guilt and much less pay any compensation to the Roma who were settled “as refugees” in a toxic dump that was a UN run “refugee” camp.
About time to pay for it?

– ONU : Dédommager les victimes d’intoxication au plomb du Kosovo. In: Human Rights Watch. 07.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Positive Example

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It works in Slovakia too … The story of a village in Eastern Slovakia which integrated its Roma population, and thrived as a result.

– Slovak Village Prospers in Partnership With Roma Residents It Once Shunned. In: The New York Times. 09.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

It Works

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A case showing that Roma can camp in Switzerland without being tagged as dirtying and defiling the site on which they camp… This entire polemic of foreign travellers is a self made issue.

– Wo Roma friedlich campieren. In: Der Landbote. 08.09.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Lausanne: Recourse against Interdiction

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A new recourse against the interdiction of begging in the canton of Vaud has been filed in the Swiss Federal Tribunal. The canton had passed this law even tough the number of beggars is ridiculously low (less than a hundred) at any given time.

– Mendicité: recours contre l’interdiction vaudoise. In: La Tribune de Genève. 04.09.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Switzerland: Work and Public Order …

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Really, an ordinance in Switzerland is trying to ban travellers from working based on “disturbing public order” …

– Une ordonnance braque les gens du voyage. In: La Tribune de Genève. 06,09.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Switzerland Workers and Travellers

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The associations of craftsmen in Switzerland are being sued for having advertised against using travellers for jobs in the country. When you read what they wrote, this was really discriminatory.

– Plainte pour une annonce discriminatoire. In: Tribune de Genève. 06.09.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

French Chronicle …

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Things go up and down, very few news this week on Roma in France. This week, the news seem to be centred toward Paris. A camp partially evicted in Carrières sous Poissy; a notice of eviction on Créteil; a documentary of the new and latest camp on the track of the former “petite ceinture” railway around Paris; and finally a cleanup along the Marne river. On a side note, a camp in the south of France is the subject of a controverse.,1556763.php

– Plaine Carrières – Triel : les camps de Roms partiellement évacués. In: La Gazette. 06.09.2017.
– Carrières-Triel : quel avenir pour la plaine après l’évacuation des Roms ? In: Le Parisien. 07.09.2017.
– Créteil : les Roms doivent quitter le carrefour Pompadour. In: Le Parisien. 05.09.2017.
– Paris : un camp rom sous un pont de la petite ceinture. In: Le Parisien. 05.09.2017.
– Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes. Grand nettoyage sur la décharge et en bord de Marne. In: Le Parisien. 08.09.2017.
– Camps Roms : la ligne de Philippe Saurel afflige plusieurs associations. In: Midi Libre. 08.09.2017.,1556763.php [link-preview url=”,1556763.php “]

Not Good …

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An article and comment on Travellers in Switzerland, basically stating that the “locals” will have more difficulties in finding a site if there are no (segregated) sites for “foreign” travellers.

– «Allen Efforts zum Trotz gibts weniger Plätze» In: Der Bund. 09.09.2017. [link-preview url=”″]


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Why are places where Roma live actually called settlements??? A worthwhile thought.

– Stop Calling Places Where Roma Live “Settlements”. In: ERRC. 05.09.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Camp Closure in Italy

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Well, a camp is set to be closed in Italy. But … No places have been set aside to re-lodge the people. And no consultation was done either. It hat is the policies of the five stars movement and the mayor of Rome, Ms. Raggi, this is akin to trying to do some ethnic cleansing.

– “Preoccupazioni e dubbi circa la legalità della “chiusura” del primo “campo Nomadi” di Roma. In: Articole21. 08.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

This Time in English …

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Charges levied against the Roma who were beaten up by the police in Moldova nad Bodvou. They having been beaten off are now being sued. Really – after the acquittal of the police – already a scandal, the Roma are being sued for false testimonies and defamation.

– Charges now brought against witnesses in infamous Moldava raid. In: The Slovak Spectator. 06.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

The world of flamenco pays homage to Remedios Amaya

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A unique show which will bring together many great artists in the Auditorio Sevillano “Rocío Jurado” on 19 October.
A must see.

– El mundo del flamenco rinde homenaje a Remedios Amaya. In: La Flamenca. 30.08.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Travellers and Workers

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A Swiss traveller is suing the workers associations for discrimination. These associations had put adverts in the press warning readers not to employ travellers to do repairs or painting jobs. The adverts were definitively not politically correct …

– Fahrender zeigt Handwerker-Verbände an. In: 20 Minuten (CH). 06.09.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Germany: State Treaty

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The German State of Hessen has formally signed a contract with the State Sinti and Roma Association, pledging to integrate the minority and fight against racism and discrimination.

– Vertrag mit Landesverband der Sinti und Roma unterzeichnet. In: Frankfurter Neue Presse. 06.09.2017.;art1491,2759789
– Staatsvertrag zwischen Hessen und Landesverband Sinti und Roma: Wichtiger Schritt für Gleichberechtigung und Anerkennung. In: Bundes Presse Portal. 07.09.2017. [link-preview url=”;art1491,2759789 “]

Slovakia – Now the Victims are Criminals

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The Roma who sued the police for violence in Moldova nad Bodvou for having been beaten off are now being sued. Really – after the acquittal of the police – already a scandal, the Roma are being sued for false testimonies and diffamation.

– Z obetí robia páchateľov, svedkov policajnej razie v Moldave obvinili z krivej výpovede. In: Dennikn. 06.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Scary

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A Slovak politician Andrej Danko, thinks the Hungarian model for Roma is the one to go for, and that citizen should have the right to bear arms to defend themselves.

– Danko o práci Rómov: Keby som mal oveľa väčšiu moc, prebral by som maďarský model. In: HN Online. 03.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Roma Life

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The Roma life is getting harder and harsher in Moldova nad Bodvou. Increased police brutality, segregation, eviction, racism…
What is indeed amazing is that this is published in a Slovak Newspaper (this time in Slovak)…

– Rómov z Moldavy sťahujú, hoci sa chceli dohodnúť. In: SME Domov. 06.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Roma Life

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The Roma life is getting harder and harsher in Moldova nad Bodvou. Increased police brutality, segregation, eviction, racism…
What is indeed amazing is that this is published in a Slovak Newspaper (ok, in English)…

– Life gets harder for Roma in Moldava. In: The Slovak Spectator. 05.09.2017. [link-preview url=””]