Daily Archives: October 10, 2017

Germany: Travellers not Wanted

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Seems that Europe doesn’t like Travellers. This time in Germany, where German Sinti were forced to abandon one of their camping site and are now squatting at another site.

– Nach Räumung in Radolfzell: Sinti und Roma campieren in Donaueschingen. In: Südkurier. 09.10.2017. https://www.suedkurier.de/region/schwarzwald-baar-heuberg/donaueschingen/Nach-Raeumung-in-Radolfzell-Sinti-und-Roma-campieren-in-Donaueschingen;art372512,9445555

Inequality in the UK

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A new government survey on inequality in school and workplaces shows the implicit discrimination and issues faced by minorities. Worst off, it seems are Roma and Travellers.

– Audit lays bare racial disparities in UK schools, courts and workplaces. In: The Guardian. 09.10.2017. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/oct/09/audit-lays-bare-racial-disparities-in-uk-schools-courts-and-workplaces
– New race survey makes for ‘uncomfortable reading’, says campaigner. In: Sky News. 09.10.2017. http://news.sky.com/story/new-race-survey-makes-for-uncomfortable-reading-says-campaigner-11074373

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