Monthly Archives: October 2017

Brčko: New houses

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18 Roma families were iven the keys to their new apartment in a complex built with EU money. Good that they finally can return to their home, but bad that this is a de-facto segregated enclave.

– Roma families in Brcko got keys to new apartments. In: Independent Balkan News Agency. 25.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria: Reprimand

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The Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister Simeonov was found guilty of anti-Roma hate speech. In a speech in Parliament, he compared Roma to “stray dogs” and accused them to live “outside the rules of human behaviour”.

– Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister Simeonov found guilty of anti-Roma hate speech – NGO. In: The Sofia Globe. 25.10.2017.
– Bulgarian deputy PM reprimanded over anti-Roma speech. In:: Channel News Asia. 25.10.2017.
Read more at [link-preview url=” “]

Exhibition on Holocaust

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The exhibition called “Racial Diagnosis: Gypsy” can be seen in Ingolstadt, Germany.

– “Rassendiagnose: Zigeuner”. In: Donaukurier. 24.10.2017.;art598,3568665 [link-preview url=”;art598,3568665″]

Zoltan Balog

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The Hungarian Minister (and Calvinist preacher) Zoltan Balog has made statements on Roma advocating segregation in schools and quite a few other ones. Here’s a long list.

– 10 things he really said: Zoltán Balog, Hungarian Minister for Human Resources. In: ERRC. 24.10.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

UK: Complaints Dismissed

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A formal complaint against the Judge in a slavery affair has been dismissed. The Judge while condemning the Traveller’s family for a really horrid slavery case, made generalising comments about all Travellers and Roma.

– Formal complaint dismissed over judges’ remarks made at Rooney family modern slavery case. In: Linconlshire Live. 24.10.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia: Employment Forum

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A forum on Roma employment will be held in Kosiče in Eastern Slovakia on October 26th. Experts from the non-governmental sector, as well as companies that are already working with marginalized Roma, will share their experience and know-how for other companies and help solve their particular issues. The event is called the Pro Bono Action Forum: Practical steps for Roma employment in your company.

– V Košiciach sa uskutoční fórum o zamestnávaní Rómov. In: Teraz. 24.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Lety at Last

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Two US articles on Lety and the fact that the Czech government will finally buy the pig farm on the site.
Unfortunately, both articles contain misleading information. That 1’300 Roma were sent to Auschwitz from there, that there were 10’000 Roma in the Czech Republic before the War etc. Fact is that many people who were shipped to Auschwitz were not registered, and that no one knows how many Roma there was in the Czech Republic before the war.
One thing though is sure: After the War, there were none left.
May they rest in peace.

– Czechs to make memorial at ex-Nazi Roma concentration camp. In: The National Post. 23.10.2017.
– Czechs to make memorial at ex-Nazi Roma concentration camp. In: Fox News. 23.10.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovenia: More on the Roma Protest

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The protest last week of about 100 Roma in front of the Slovenaian parliament had quite an echo in the local press.

– Skupina Romov pred vlado zahteva odpravo diskriminacije. In: Delo. 16.10.2017.
– Prvi romski protest. In: Mladina. 16.10.2017.
– PROTESTNI SHOD ROMOV. In: RTV 4. 16.10.2017.
– Romi, končno. In: Večer, V Soboto. 21.10.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

France: On an Article …

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An article called “Aimer son corps au cœur du bidonville” [Love one’s body at the heart of a shantytown] takes us in quite a few sterotypes. An excellent analysis of the article and the stereotypes and prejudices is donen in Mediapart – a must read. In addition, this article was funded in part by the French state and universities.

– Aimer son corps au cœur du bidonville. In: The Conversation. 13.10.2017.
– Romstorie: Tintin chez les Roms. In: Mediapart. 18.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Spišsky Hrhov

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How do you turn a village around? An analysis of a successfully integrated mixed village in Slovakia.

– Rady zo Spišského Hrhova podľa skutočných udalostí. In: SME. 20.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Poland: Construction or Not?

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Back and forth in Poland about proper housing for Roma. The governor is for it, the communes say they have no money and won’t do it. And the Roma have nowhere to go.

– Maszkowice. Nie będzie bloku dla Romów. In: Gazetta Krakowska. 20.10.2017.,12599284/ [link-preview url=”,12599284/”]

Buzescu, Romania …

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Yet another article, this time in Switzerland, about the Roma palaces of the city of Buzescu. Not good for all, and one can argue about the style.

– Die Roma-Paläste von Buzescu. In: 20 Minuten (CH). 21.10.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

France: A Map of the Shantytowns.

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A long article in le Monde on the so-called “bidonvilles” – the shantytowns in France. There are 570 of them, with roughly 16’000 people living in them.

– Ces 570 bidonvilles que la France ne veut pas voir. In: Le Monde. 18.10.2017.
– Oui, il y a encore des bidonvilles en France en 2017.. In: France Culture. 21.10.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

French Chronicle …

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Unfortunately, a standard week in France. And not only outside Paris or Lille, but also in smaller cities. First, an expulsion in St. Etienne, in the centre of France; then in Angers, in Western France, where Kosovo Roma will be expulsed from their camp and in Nantes, were a camp is slowly being closed; in the North of France, a fight for granting Roma children a special tariff in public transports (a tariff that all other school children have) is ongoing; and then, the Paris region with Roma allowed to stay (for the time being) in disaffected hospital buildings in Melun; a new illegal camp along the Marne river; a camp in Bonneuil threatened with closure; and a hefty bill for a clean-up of a former camp in Poissy, on the site of the Paris St. Germain football club training centre.

– Saint-Étienne : six familles Roms expulsées attendent place Jean-Jaurès. In: France Bleu. 19.20.2017.
– Encore des Roms expulsées place Jean Jaurès (VIDEO). In: Zoomdici. 19.10.2017.
– L’expulsion menace le campement rue du Maine. In: Ouest France. 20.10.2017.
– Les Roms de Rezé déménagent en douceur. In: Ouest France. 17.10.2017.
– Vers une solution pour que les écoliers roms bénéficient du tarif solidaire de Transpole ? in: La Voix du Nord. 18.10.2017.
– Transpole refuse la tarification solidaire aux enfants roms, une association alerte. In: La Voix du Nord. 16.10.2017.
– Le directeur de l’hôpital de Melun débouté. Les roms et leurs soutiens soulagés. In: Agora Vox. 20.10.2017.
– Des Roms se sont installés illégalement. In: Actu France. 18.10.2017.
– Bonneuil : les Roms du Bec de canard menacés d’expulsion. In: Le Parisien. 16.10.2017.
– Poissy : la facture pour enlever les déchets déversés sur les terrains du PSG s’annonce salée. In: Le Parisien. 20.10.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovakia: Devolution?

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Jozef Červeňák , the candidate of the Roma Initiative of Slovakia (RIS) to the post of Chairman of the Košice Self-Governing Region (KSK) wants a significant improvement in the state of roads in the region, in the stability and development of small municipalities as well as a dual two-year education of children from socially weak families geared towards the automotive industry. The self-governing region should, according to him, be more keen to revive tourism. The shift in the solution of the Roma issue is seen in the transfer of competences from the central government to the region.

– ČERVEŇÁK: Riešeniu problematiky Rómov v KSK pomôže presun kompetencií. In: Dobre Noviny. 18.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Poland: Attacks

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Two attacks of a Roma settlement in Poznan. Stone thrown at houses, broken windows, broken doors, and the police thinks the attacks are not racially motivated…

– Nieznani sprawcy napadli w nocy na koczowisko Romów w Poznaniu. Policja nie widzi rasizmu. In: Wyborcza. 20.10.2017.,36001,22541410,nieznani-sprawcy-napadli-w-nocy-na-koczowisko-romow-w-poznaniu.html [link-preview url=”,36001,22541410,nieznani-sprawcy-napadli-w-nocy-na-koczowisko-romow-w-poznaniu.html”]

Not only the Nazis …

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A research view on the persecution of Roma and Sinti in Austria and other countries. This was not a punctual process, but rather a long evolution that culminated in the Holocaust.
They are right.

– „Nicht alles kam auf Druck der Nazis“ In: Science ORF. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Not here …

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In recent days, a rumour circulated in Sabinov, a small town north of Kosiče in Eastern Slovakia, about the planned construction of residential homes for up to 2’000 Roma from the by now famous Roma settlement of Lunik IX in Kosiče. This was presented in the town’s website.
Protests immediately occurred … A petition is ongoing to stop the construction.

– Sabinovčania nechcú Rómov z Lunika IX. In: Korzar – Prešov. 20.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Elections

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It seems that Roma are not planning to go and vote in the upcoming Czech elections. This is bad, especially since the country may move sharply to the populist right.
What is also bad is the article …

– Number of Roma, disabled election candidates falling in ČR. In: The Prague Daily Monitor. 17.10.2017.čr [link-preview url=”čr”]