Monthly Archives: October 2017

Hungary: Mob Assault

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Laszlo Bogdan, the mayor of Cserdi, a Roma village that has been often cited as an example in the press, was assaulted by a mob after having suggested he would welcome refugees in his village.
This shows how far the Orban propaganda against refugees and migrant has goen.

– Locals assault and threaten to murder mayor who promised to welcome refugees in Roma village. In: The Hungarian Free Press. 19.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

An Interview of Timea Junghaus, ERIAC

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The director of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC), Timea Junghaus, in an interview about herself, her work and about what ERIAC means to Roma.

– The Roma mobilize their own knowledge: this is a paradigm shift. Interview with Tímea Junghaus. In: Political 18.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Berlin: Exhibition on Roma Sportsmen

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An exhibition is opening in Berlin on Roma sportsmen. There will be a podium discussion on the day of the opening, October 30th.

– Ausstellungseröffnung „Abseits im eigenen Land“ – Sinti und Roma-Sportler. Eine Ausstellung von Andrzej Bojarski/ In: Zentralrat Sinti und Roma. [link-preview url=””]

UK Activist

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Rodney Bickerstaffe an activist who engaged himself for the cause of Travellers and Roma died.
May he rest in peace.

– Letters: Rodney Bickerstaffe obituary. In: The Guardian. 17.10.,2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria: Clash

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There was a clash between Roma and forest guards near Plovidiv that escalated while the guards were trying to prevent Roma from stealing wood. The guards were beaten up.
Bad, but also bad that sheer poverty forces people to go and steal wood to heat their homes.

– Stamen Geshev, Banya Mayor: Roma from town attacked and beat forest guards from Hisarya. In: Focus News. 17.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Ake Dikhea

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The Roma Film Festival Ake Dikhea is taking place in Berlin from 19th to the 22. An Interview of Hamze Bytyci.

– “Gegenwicht gegen Angst und Neid”. In: Deutschlandfunk Kultur. 17.10.2017.
– [link-preview url=” “]

The Poster …

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End of the lawsuit about the election poster of the extrem right party NPD in germany which states “Money for Grandma instead of for Sinti and Roma” …

– Rechtsstreit um umstrittenes NPD-Wahlplakat beigelegt. In: Frankenpost. 16.10.2017.;art2832,5776497 [link-preview url=”;art2832,5776497″]

Mitrovica and Lead Poisoning

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A long article on a real person poisoned by lead in the UN refugee camp of Mitrovica, Kosovo. She is one of roughly 500 victims, and she needs constant medication for which she has no money.
Shame on the UN.

– Roma in Kosovo: ‘De VN heeft ons ziek gemaakt’. In: NOS. 16.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia: Manifestation

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Roma have been manifesting in Slovenia to protest discrimination.

– Roma rally against discrimination. In: STA. 16.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Interview of Dotschy Reinhardt

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In the interview, Dotschy says what it means to be a Sintica. She also tells about her experiences and about the stereotypes and prejudices she faced.

– „Wir Minderheiten müssen Allianzen bilden“: Sängerin Dotschy Reinhardt und Jacques Delfeld erzählen in Worms von ihren Erfahrungen als Angehörige der Sinti. In: Wormser Zeitung. 16.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

A Dancer and a Project

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A portrait of a French Dancer – Nicolas Archambault – a of some of his dance projects. He has one with Roma in Serbia – called GRUBB for Gypsy Urban Balkan Beats.
Watch the video …

– DALS: Nicolas Archambault, ce juré qui “n’a pas peur de mouiller le maillot”. In: L’Express. 14.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria and School

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Another article about the current Bulgarian initiative aiming at getting Roma children in school.

– Bulgarie: la carotte et le bâton pour scolariser les enfants roms. In: Le Point. 12.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Budapest: Roma Pride

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The Roma Pride in Budapest was held a week ago.

– ROMA PRIDE DAY MARKED IN BUDAPEST. In: Budapest Daily News. 08.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Germany: Bad News …

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The Sinti and Roma Association of Schlesswig Holstein is being investigated for irregularities in its use of funds and on the suspicion that some of the funds were diverted for personal use.

– Ermittlungen gegen Landesverband der Sinti und Roma. In: NDR. 12.10.2017.,ermittlungen170.html [link-preview url=”,ermittlungen170.html”]

Czech Republic: An Appeal to Vote!

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An appeal to Roma to go and vote to bar Tomio Okamura, a rightist Czech-Japanese entrepreneur from governing the country. He is definitively not pro-Roma.

– Alena Gronzíková: Romale, don’t be lazy, vote! Otherwise Okamura will govern us! In: Romea. 13/10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

France, Roma, and Schools

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A French association is helping Roma children living in slums to go to school.
This is the way!

– Seine-Saint-Denis, la difficile scolarisation des enfants des bidonvilles. In: Le Point. 10.10.2017. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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We’re back to “normal”, i.e. to the litany of expulsions and camps closures in France. You’d really think that for less than 20’000 people in France (and in France since several years), there could be a better solution …
First, the expulsion of the Roma who camped on the future training grounds of the Paris St. Germain football club – actually astonishing that they managed to stay that long; in Montreuil, just outside Paris, further expulsions; in Limeil, residents request the closure of a Roma camp; in Melun, Roma families living on a disaffected hospital site are asking for an extenson so that their children can go to school; in the North in Lille, a new camping site along the river increased tension with local; in Nice, another site has been cleared; in Annecy in the Alps, a camp has been closed putting 71 people on the street.

– Poissy : les Roms installés sur les terrains du PSG évacués. In: Le Parisien. 12.10.2017.
– Poissy : 150 familles Roms expulsées par la police. In: 78 Actu. 12.10.2017.
– PSG : Démantèlement d’un camp de Roms. In: Blasting News. 12.10.2017.
– Poissy : un camp de Roms, installé sur le terrain du futur centre du PSG, a été évacué. In: FR3 Frqnce Info. 12.10.2017.
– Yvelines : les roms installés sur les terrains du PSG à Poissy évacués ce matin par les forces de l’ordre. In: Info Yvelines. 12.10.2017.
– En attendant la trêve, à Montreuil on expulse. In: Mediapart. 12.10.2017.
– Limeil : excédés par les Roms, 80 habitants se font entendre. In: Le Parisien. 10.10.2017.
– Camps Roms : Limeil-Brévannes n’en peut plus. In: Le Parisien. 08.10.2017.
– Installation de Roms à l’hôpital de Melun. Romeurope demande un délai pour la scolarité des enfants. In: 12.10.2017.
– Tensions avec des bateliers après l’arrivée d’un camp de Roms à Vauban. In: La Voix du Nord. 11.10.2017.
– Des Roms qui “squattaient” les rives du Paillon délogés par la police. In: Nice Matin. 14.10.2017.
– Annecy : le campement de Roms, rue des Alpins, a été évacué. In: L’Essor Savoyard. 11.10.2017.
– 71 personnes évacuées de l’école Saint-Joseph ce matin. In: Le Dauphiné. 11.10.2017. [link-preview url=” “]