Monthly Archives: November 2017

Photography: A French project

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An article about the French Photograph Mathieu Pernot’s project on Roma in France. The photographer followed Roma in the country for almost 20 years. A nice project, but also a dangerous one, as it presents only one side of the Roma reality: The one of the poor Roma migrants.

– In Paris: Mathieu Pernot’s 20-year project Les Gorgan. In: British Journal of Photography. 09.11.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

France: Murder and Beggars

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Three Bulgarian Roma have been condemned to heavy prison sentences for the murder of another Rom in the North of France. According to the police, the fight arose over the control of the “lucrative” begging in the region.
This is bad, first because begging has never really been a criminal activity, much less a lucrative one. So here, the stereotypes of the Roma begging criminal rings is in full swing.

– Règlement de comptes sur fond de contrôle de mendiants: trois Roms condamnés à 17 et 18 ans de prison. In: Libération. 10.11.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

French Chronicle …

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Paris, Marseilles and Bordeaux in the news, little from the North this week. In Paris, the camp on the tracks of the petite ceinture train will be close (once again), dislodging several hundred people; in the Suburbs, in Villeneuve St. Georges, a clean-up and an anti-racism action; in Marseille, still no respite, with one evacuation in La Parette and in la Pauline, all the while with the church stating they would like to see a decent solution to the issues with Roma; in Bordeaux, the city wants to integrate Roma; in the North, probably for lack of Roma the travellers do the headline; and finally, an article about the winter respite that should already be in place in France.

– Paris : menace d’évacuation sur le bidonville et lassitude des riverains. In: Le Parisien. 10.11.2017.
– Des centaines de Roms sommés de quitter un bidonville historique au nord de Paris. In: Le Parisien. 10.11.2017.
– Villeneuve-Saint-Georges : grand ménage d’automne sur les berges. In: Le Parisien. 05.11.2017.
– Villeneuve-Saint-Georges : l’antiracisme politique et la question des Roms. In: Le Parisien. 10.11.2017.
– Roms, même sous des tentes, l’abri leur est refuse. In: La Marseillaise. 10.11.2017.
– Marseille : à La Pauline, des Roms à nouveau délogés. In: La Provence. 05.11.2017.
– Dans le 9e, des familles roms remises à la rue par les riverains et la mairie de secteur. In: Marsactu. 07.11.2017.
– Les évêques demandent des ” solutions pérennes et dignes ” pour les Roms. In: La Marseillaise. 08.11.2017.
– Marseille : Mgr Georges Pontier demande “des solutions pérennes et dignes” pour les Roms. In: FR3 Provence Cote d’Azur. 08.11.2017.
– Bordeaux Métropole veut miser sur l’insertion des familles roms. In: France Bleu. 06.11.2017.
– De nouvelles caravanes de Gens du voyage à l’Union. In: La Voix du Nord. 06.11.2017.
– Trêve hivernale : des expulsions dans les camps de Roms malgré la nouvelle loi. In: Le Muslim Post. 07.11.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Marburg: Exhibition

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An exhibition in Marburg, Germany “The Road of the Sinti and Roma” on their history, culture, and also on persecutions and racism.

– Sinti und Roma mit Musik, Zeitzeugen und Bildern gegen Vorurteile und Diskriminierung. In: Das Marburger. 08.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Between Two Worlds

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An interview of Davina Cordua, whose mother is German and whose father is a German Sinto. She speaks about the issues faced in the two commnuities.

– I do it my way. In: Die Zeit Online. 10.11.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Documentary on Roma and Music

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A Slovak documentary on Roma and music. Quite a few clichés.

– Útrapy Rómov, ich hudobné nadanie a spôsob, akým dedia umenie už celé generácie. To a oveľa viac nájdete v novom slovenskom dokumente. In: Filmkult. 10.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]

The Mafia, Rome and Roma

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Recently, a member of the Spada family made the headlines by head-butting an Italian journalists asking him about his ties to the far right party which gained a lot in local elections in Ostia. It turns out that the family is of Sinti origins and a prominent family in the mafia …
Bad for all.

– Giornalista Rai picchiato a Ostia: ecco chi è Roberto Spada, fratello del “boss” Romoletto. In: Il Messagero. 08.11.2017.
– Chi sono gli Spada, a Ostia. In: Post. 09.11.2017.
– Reporter beaten over mafia exposé in Rome. In: The Times. 10.11.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Children’s Movie

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The television children movie called “Nellie’s Adventures” in the German TV is getting a lot of critique for its representation of Sinti and Roma, which, to say the least are presented in a stereotypical fashion: They are petty criminals, con men, or beggars.
The Central Council of Sinti and Roma calls it racist and they are right.

– Ist der SWR-Film „Nellys Abenteuer“ rassistisch? In: Stuttgarter Zeitung. 08.11.2017.
– Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma empört über “Nellys Abenteuer” IN: Rhein Neckar Zeitung. 08.11.2017.,-nellys-ausflug-ins-klischee-zentralrat-deutscher-sinti-und-roma-empoert-ueber-nellys-abenteuer-_arid,314765.html [link-preview url=”,-nellys-ausflug-ins-klischee-zentralrat-deutscher-sinti-und-roma-empoert-ueber-nellys-abenteuer-_arid,314765.html”]

Kosiče: Exhibition

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The Eastern Slovak Gallery in Košice presents an exhibition of Roma Photos from Subcarpathian Ukraine from the beginning of the 20th century.

It is a presentation of previously unknown photographs of Roma from a Czech official, translator and amateur photographer Rudolf Hůlka, whose work is kept in the Slavonic Library in Prague.

– Vystavujú Fotografie Rómov z Podkarpatskej Rusi. In: Korzar. 04.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Let’s not Generalise

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According to the Slovak president Andrej Kiska, one should never generalise about Roma.
Among the Roma, according to him, there are a huge number of people who are amazing members of our society.

– Rómov nesmieme podľa Kisku nikdy posudzovať ako celok. In: SME Domov. 09.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]

A Pledge …

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The council of Europe made a pledge towards equality in politics for Roma and traveller women. Let’s hope it will be more than a pledge.

– Council of Europe pledge to promote gender equality for Roma and Traveller women in politics. In: The Council of Europe. 06.11.2017. [link-preview url=”″]


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An article over the former concentration camp of Lety, in the Czech Republic. The pig farm which stands on the grounds will soon be bought by the Czech government and the site will be transformed in a memorial to the victims.

– Der Preis der Würde. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 07.11.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Czech Republic: Improve Integration

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A new UN report aske the Czech Republic to improve the integration of Roma and tackle racism …

– UN report for ČR to improve Roma integration. In: The Prague Monitor. 07.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Laszlo Bogdan – More on Cserdi

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More information on the case of Laszlo Bogdan, the mayor of Cserdi. On the fact that his conviction just came out in the press, it seems that the government was behind it, as it was not happy of his invitation to Syrian refugees. On the differing views among Roma, there are two views that contrast: one that is more civil right movement like, and one advocated by Laszlo Bogdan.

– HUNGARIAN ROMA DILEMMAS. In: Hungarian Spectrum. 06.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Sofia and Horse Carriages

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The municipality of Sofia is planning to ban horse-drawn carriages from the centre of town. Reportedly it is for security reasons but it de-facto bans many Roma from the city centre and deprives them of their livelihood.

– Opinion: Horse-drawn carriage ban in Sofia would be institutionalised racism. In: The Sofia Globe. 07.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Stolpersteine …

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Dozens of stumbling stones, these little stones that remind people of Holocaust victims and are embedded in the pavement, were stolen in Berlin.

– Stolpersteine in Neukölln gestohlen. In: Tagesspeigel. 07.11.2017.
– Germany: Nazi victim memorial stones stolen in Berlin. In: Death Rattles Sport. 08.11.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Austria and Beggars

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An article about the effects of forbidding begging in cities. This does not eradicate this issue, it just distributes it …

– Roma: Bettelverbote lösen die Probleme nicht. In: ORF Vorarblerg. 06.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Greece, Measles, and Roma

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It seems that Roma are the most likely victims of measles in Greece. 7 out of 10 cases in the country affect them.
It says a lot about their living conditions …

– Greek Roma worst hit by measles outbreak, KEELPNO says. In: Ekathimerini. 05.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary: Dented Miracle …

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Laszlo Bogdan, the Roma mayor of the village of Cserdi is in trouble. The mayor, and his policies have been cited numerous times as an example of what can be achieved in a mostly Roma village in Hungary.
Now, a bizarre attack story – he reported being attacked because of his willingness of taking in Syrian refugees – and an old condemnation dent his reputation.

– THE FAMOUS GYPSY POLITICIAN’S REPUTATION HAS BEEN TARNISHED. In: Hungarian Spectrum 05.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Losses on the Right

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Martin Kotleba, the president of the extreme right People’s party in Slovakia lost his seat as governor of the Banksa Bystrica!
Good – he is a racist who refers to Roma as “parasites”

– Slovakian far right suffers blow in regional polls. In: The Financial Times. 05.11.2017. [link-preview url=”″]