Daily Archives: December 5, 2017

Hungary: Poverty

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25.6% of Hungarians live in poverty. This is 2.46 Mio people. And not all Roma as there are roughly 800’000 Roma in that country and not all are poor. Roma are more likely than non-Roma to be poor.

– Quarter of population poor or at risk of social exclusion. The Budapest Business Journal. 04.12.2017. https://bbj.hu/economy/quarter-of-population-poor-or-at-risk-of-social-exclusion_142406 [link-preview url=”https://bbj.hu/economy/quarter-of-population-poor-or-at-risk-of-social-exclusion_142406″]

Germany – A Bavarian Treaty?

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The Social Democrats (SPD) in the Bavarian Parliament are asking for a formal treaty between the State of Bavaria and the Sinti and Roma, as a sign of the responsibilities of the state and as a mean to fight racism and discrimination.

– SPD will Staatsvertrag mit Sinti und Roma im Frühjahr 2018. In: Die Welt. 05.12.2017. https://www.welt.de/newsticker/dpa_nt/regiolinegeo/bayern/article171267949/SPD-will-Staatsvertrag-mit-Sinti-und-Roma-im-Fruehjahr-2018.html [link-preview url=”https://www.welt.de/newsticker/dpa_nt/regiolinegeo/bayern/article171267949/SPD-will-Staatsvertrag-mit-Sinti-und-Roma-im-Fruehjahr-2018.html”]

Sido on Sido

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The German Rapper Sido about himself and his Sinti Roots.

– Rapper Sido: „Mir ist egal, was die Leute denken“. In: Neue Presse. 04.12.2017. http://www.neuepresse.de/Nachrichten/Kultur/Rapper-Sido-Mir-ist-egal-was-die-Leute-denken [link-preview url=”http://www.neuepresse.de/Nachrichten/Kultur/Rapper-Sido-Mir-ist-egal-was-die-Leute-denken”]
