Daily Archives: December 16, 2017

Slovakia: Blow it Up?

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Really? In Slovakia, a house in which Roma live has been bought by the municipality and will be demolished as it is a “disgrace” in the village. What about its inhabitants… Well best is that they move on.
No comments.

– Starosta Krásnej Rómov aj tak presťahuje. Radšej už neprezradí kam. In SME. 15.12.2017. https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/20719249/starosta-romov-aj-tak-prestahuje-radsej-uz-vopred-neprezradi-kam.html [link-preview url=”https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/20719249/starosta-romov-aj-tak-prestahuje-radsej-uz-vopred-neprezradi-kam.html”]

Times of the Gypsies

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The movie the Time of the Gypsies is now also a theatre production. It has been presented as a musical in Turkey for the first time.
While the movie was excellent as a movie, it presented Roma in a very stereotypical fashion. Let’s hope the theatre production will not do the same.

– ‘Time of the Gypsies’ now on theater stage. In: The Daily Sabah. 12.12.2017. https://www.dailysabah.com/arts-culture/2017/12/12/time-of-the-gypsies-now-on-theater-stage [link-preview url=”https://www.dailysabah.com/arts-culture/2017/12/12/time-of-the-gypsies-now-on-theater-stage”]

Slovenia: The Roma Councillors

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15 years ago, Slovenia issued a law allowing for Roma to be represented at the local councils in all municipalities where they are present. This institution and the association of Roma Councillors have done a great deal to further the cause of Roma in that country.

– Romski svetniki najbolj poznajo potrebe Romov. In: Večer. 16.12.2017. https://www.vecer.com/romski-svetniki-najbolj-poznajo-potrebe-romov-6368042 [link-preview url=”https://www.vecer.com/romski-svetniki-najbolj-poznajo-potrebe-romov-6368042″]

75 Years Ago

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Seventy-five years ago, the Nazis issued the Auschwitz laws (Auschwitz Erlass) which gave the order for the deportation of Sinti and Roma and sent them to their death.
This day is being commemorated across Germany.

– Bundesrat erinnert an Holocaust an Sinti und Roma. In: Deutsche Welle. 15.12.2017. http://www.dw.com/de/bundesrat-erinnert-an-holocaust-an-sinti-und-roma/a-41813827
– Gestern ist heute und morgen. In: TAZ. 15.12.2017. http://www.taz.de/!5467795/
– Gedenken: Das Schicksal der Sinti und Roma. In: Nordbayrischer Kurier. 15.12.2017. http://www.nordbayerischer-kurier.de/nachrichten/gedenken-das-schicksal-der-sinti-und-roma_628619
– Gedenken an ermordete Sinti und Roma in der Nazizeit. In: Deutschlandfunk. 15.12.2017. http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/bundesrat-gedenken-an-ermordete-sinti-und-roma-in-der.1939.de.html?drn:news_id=827536
– Landeshauptstadt gedenkt ermordeten Sinti und Roma. In: Westdeutsche Zeitung. 14.12.2017. http://www.wz.de/lokales/duesseldorf/landeshauptstadt-gedenkt-ermordeten-sinti-und-roma-1.2576276 [link-preview url=”http://www.dw.com/de/bundesrat-erinnert-an-holocaust-an-sinti-und-roma/a-41813827 “]
