Daily Archives: December 28, 2017

Slovenia: New Community Law

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The Ombudsman, Vlasta Nussdorfer, sharply criticized the planned revision of the law on the Roma community. The law will not bring water and electricity to Roma, but will continue to violate human rights, she concluded. Roma organizations are also concerned with the attempt to distinguish between Roma and “autochthonous” people.

– Varuhinja: Če Romom odrekamo vodo in elektriko, se v naseljih razrašča criminal. In: Dnevnik. https://www.dnevnik.si/1042795985/slovenija/varuhinja-ce-romom-odrekamo-vodo-in-elektriko-se-v-naseljih-razrasca-kriminal [link-preview url=”https://www.dnevnik.si/1042795985/slovenija/varuhinja-ce-romom-odrekamo-vodo-in-elektriko-se-v-naseljih-razrasca-kriminal”]

Hungary – Fig leaf

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In the framework of a program called a “Home in Tanoda – a chance for the Roma children in the suburbs of Szeged”, a total of forty students of the Kiskundorozsma and Szeged Roma classrooms were allowed to play in the Szeged Teke and Bowling Centres. From small to big, from the age of four to adolescents, all of them could try it on the alleys.
Nice, but does it really help?

– Tekézni vitte a kiskundorozsmai gyerekeket a Szegedi Roma Tanoda. In: NLCafe. 27.12.2017. https://www.nlcafe.hu/foto/20171227/tekezni-vitte-a-kiskundorozsmai-gyerekeket-a-szegedi-roma-tanoda/ [link-preview url=”https://www.nlcafe.hu/foto/20171227/tekezni-vitte-a-kiskundorozsmai-gyerekeket-a-szegedi-roma-tanoda/”]
