Monthly Archives: December 2017

Study on Reparation

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A study and an Interview with a researcher who looked into the policies of the German state regarding reparations for Roma and Sinti after 1945 in Germany.
Needless to say, the picture is not pretty.

– Sinti und Roma: „Nicht aus Gründen der Rasse verfolgt“? In: Badische Nachricten. 10.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Our Path

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An article about a radio show called “Our Path” on the lives of a Roma community in Slovenia. The broadcast has been on for ten years now and highlights the ups and downs of the community, their successes, and their issues.
A small drop in the ocean, but a start to show that Roma are citizen like any others.

– “Tudi če si izobražen in dobro situiran, ni lahko biti Rom”. In: RTV Slovensko. 08.12.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Switzerland: New Measures

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The Swiss are introducing new measures against “troublesome” travellers, i.e. against foreign Roma. They can now deny them the permit for work if they have not been condemned in the last two years. This may very well mean that a traffic violation will be sufficient to be denied work.
Bad, and symptomatic of the new attitude of the Swiss against Roma.

– Kantone erhalten Druckmittel gegen störende Fahrende. In: St. Galler Tagblatt. 08.12.2017.;art253650,5162621
– Kantone bekommen neues Druckmittel gegen Fahrende. In: Barfi. 08.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Poland and Slovak Roma

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A process against Slovak Roma accused of having embezzled and tricked elderly people in the North East of Poland just took place. The defendant were condemned to more than three years of prison.

– Proces Romów ze Słowacji oskarżonych o oszustwa na szkodę starszych osób. In: Interia. 08.12.2017.,2548629,4199 [link-preview url=”,2548629,4199″]

Roma in the UK

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Roma seem to be the new scapegoats of society in the UK: An article on the Roma community in Glasgow.

– The Roma are yet again scapegoats for society’s ills. In: The Guardian. 10.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Children in Bosnia

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A reportage on a project of Caritas in Bosnia to help children integrate in the school system. The project is run in ten primary schools in Bosnia.
The article contains the usual views on Roma – better learn rather than beg – and fails to indicate that ten school are only a few of the one needed. But much more, it fails to say that many Roma were victims of the war and were evicted from their original homes.

– Enfants roms de la rue à l’école en Bosnie. In: Swiss Info (SWI). 04.12.2017.à-l-école-en-bosnie/43725562 [link-preview url=”à-l-école-en-bosnie/43725562″]

French Chronicle …

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This week’s actualities is dominated by the tragic death of a man in a fine in a Roma camp in Marseilles, in the South of France. Another squat burned and another 70 Roma were evacuated in the same city. In Perpignan, also in the South of France, a fire broke in a camp but there is help for those Roma. Other news include closure of a camp in Nimes, in the South; the closure of the petite ceinture camp in Paris and its cleanup; a fire in a camp just before its evacuation near Paris in Pierrefitte; while in the Centre, in St. Genis les Ollières, Roma found work and in the West in Rezé, 30 Roma families were re-lodged.

– Marseille : mort d’un homme de 35 ans dans l’incendie d’un camp de Roms. In: Paris Match. 09.12.2017.
– Marseille. Un mort dans l’incendie d’un campement de Roms. In: Ouest France. 09.12.2017.
– Un mort dans l’incendie d’un camp de Roms à Marseille. In: L’Est Républicain. 09./12.2017.
– Marseille : un homme meurt dans l’incendie d’un camp de Roms. In: CNews. 09.12.2017.
– Marseille : un homme retrouvé mort dans un important feu de camp de roms. In: Toulouse 7. 09.12.2017.
– Un homme retrouvé mort après l’incendie d’un camp de roms à Marseille. In: Nice Matin. 09.12.2017.
– Marseille. Évacuation de Roms après un incendie dans un entrepôt. In: Ouest France. 06.12.2017.
– Marseille : des Roms évacués après un incendie. In: FR3. 07.12.2017.
– Perpignan: la solidarité s’organise pour les familles roms dont le camp a été détruit par un incendie. In: L’Indépendant. 05.12.2017.,3076612.php
– Nîmes : les familles Roms installées au Pied-Ferme bientôt expulsées ? In: Midi Libre. 10.12.2017.,1600550.php
– Paris: Le campement de Roms de la petite ceinture à nouveau démantelé. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 28.11.2017.
– Pierrefitte : le camp de Roms brûle juste avant l’expulsion. In: Le Parisien. 03.12.2017.
– Saint-Genis-les-Ollières : les familles Roms ont trouvé du travail. In: Le Progrès. 04.12.2017.
– Rezé : 30 familles Roms relogées sur deux campements. In: FR3. 08.12.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovenia: Conference

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The Slovenian Roma Councillors Association in Slovenia celebrated the 15 years of their right to be represented in local councils with a conference.
This initiative from Slovenia should be followed in all countries and places where there is a significant Roma minority.

– Conference marks 15 years of Roma councillors. In: STA. 08.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Stumbling Stones in Vienna

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A series of stumbling stones commemorating victims of the Holocaust, among them Roma, are set up in Vienna.
At a time where Vienna is again taking a sharp right turn, this is a reminder of what such policies can lead to.

– Vienna’s Dark WWII History is Literally Embedded in its Streets. In: Vice. 08.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia, Labour Shortage, and Roma

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An article about some of the factories in Slovakia, who, faced with labour shortages decided to try to employ some of the estimated 100’000 Roma who have no job in that country.
And guess what, it works … Not always simple in the beginning, but it works!

– Firmy ukazujú, že zamestnávanie Rómov má riešenie. In: Pravda. 09.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Jewish Connection … Really – Continued

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More background on the recent news that an Israeli scholar claims that Roma are the lost Israelite tribe of Samuel. He has a Facebook page and a foundation called Atsigana whose goal is to establish a Roma Holocaust museum (in itself a worthy goal).
Only issue, his theories are totally wrong.

– [link-preview url=” “]


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An article on extremism, the extreme right and the worrisome involvement of young people in these movements in Slovakia.

– Extrémizmu podlieha čoraz viac mladých ľudí. In: Spravy Pravda. 06.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

More on Sido

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Many more articles about Sido and the movie “A Bride Seldom Comes Alone”.

– «Ich bin auch gutmütig». In: Berner Zeitung. 05.12.2017.
– Rapper und Schauspieler Sido: “Ich habe Sinti-Wurzeln”. In: Berliner Morgenpost. 06.12.2017.
– Rapper Sido spielt Hauptrolle in ARD-Komödie ‘Eine Braut kommt selten allein’. In: VIP. 07.12.2017.
– Eine Braut kommt selten allein. In: Stern. 06.12.2017.
– Sido wird TV-Star: “Familie ist wichtiger als mein Job”. In: Der Kurrier. 04.12.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Shut Eyes …

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Again the TV series “Shut Eyes” featuring the actress Isabella Rosselini. Well, the series perpetuates stereotypes against Roma. So please shut your eyes…

– Rossellini embraces ruthless yet loving crime boss on ‘Shut Eye’. In: New York Post. 05.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Racism and Discrimination

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The European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) in a report and survey stated that minorities and migrants are facing increased discrimination and racism. The agency surveyed 25’500 people belonging to minorities in their survey.

– Minorities across EU face widespread discrimination, rights body say. In: Daily Sabah. 06.11.2017. [link-preview url=””]


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An Israeli scholar claims that Roma are the descendants of the Israelite tribe of Simeon. Some Roma are following him.
Needless to say that there is no scientific evidence of this. Roma are from India, and came a bit later than Simeon’s times.

– Israeli Scholar: The Romani People Are Descendants of the Israelite Tribe of Simeon. In: Tablet. 06.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Bulgaria: Extremist?

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Ahmed Musa, a Roma Imam from Pazardzhik was accused of spreading radical Islam. He has been released on bail pending judgement. This is not the first time, he was convicted of the same offense a while back and sentenced to prison, a sentence that was overturned later.
On TC, when asked whether he had contacts with Islamic State he said “there hasn’t been an Islamic State for 1400 years”.

– Освободиха Ахмед Муса от ареста. In: NVO GO. 06.12.2017.
– Gypsy Imam Accused of Spreading Radical Islam in Bulgaria Walks After 7500 Leva Bail. In: EUScoop. 06.12.2017. [link-preview url=” “]

Sido Movie

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A movie called “A Bride Seldom Comes Alone” where the German Sinto Rapper Sido plays one of the main characters.
The movie uses quite a few clichés – large families, migrants, etc. – and for that reason it is already the source of controversy.

– Eine Braut kommt selten allein. In: Fous. 06.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]

Safe Haven?

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Seems that the UK is not really a safe haven for refugees. The case of a Romni raped by an immigration official while she was waiting to be deported.

– Immigration centre officer ‘raped a vulnerable Roma migrant, 23, and another had an inappropriate sexual relationship with her at Yarl’s Wood as she awaited deportation’. In: Daily Mail. 05.12.2017. [link-preview url=””]