Daily Archives: January 7, 2018

Aussenlager …

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An article on the so-called “Aussenlager” – the small camps affiliated with a major Concentration Camp but who have been largely forgotten or kept under silence since the end of the War.
This is bad, as this is one of the common places where crimes were committed.

– Vom Erinnern und Vergessen: das KZ-Außenlager in Heppenheim. In: Echo. 06.01.2018. http://www.echo-online.de/lokales/bergstrasse/heppenheim/vom-erinnern-und-vergessen-das-kz-aussenlager-in-heppenheim_18432630.htm [link-preview url=”http://www.echo-online.de/lokales/bergstrasse/heppenheim/vom-erinnern-und-vergessen-das-kz-aussenlager-in-heppenheim_18432630.htm”]


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The United Nation International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia has closed. It did many things, but one thing it did not:
Not a single Albanian UCK representative has been judged for the forced expulsion of Roma from the Kosovo. This crime of ethnic cleansing has remained unpunished.

– Comment le TPIY a changé notre monde. In: Le Temps. 05.01.2018. https://blogs.letemps.ch/pierre-hazan/2018/01/05/comment-le-tpiy-a-change-notre-monde/ [link-preview url=”https://blogs.letemps.ch/pierre-hazan/2018/01/05/comment-le-tpiy-a-change-notre-monde/”]

French Chronicle …

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It seems that the Roma have vanished from the French news … At least almost entirely. Only very few articles this week on the subject.
In Macon, in Burgundy, expulsed Roma have been re-settled in a gymnastic hall, and in the North, two young Romnja arrested for Burglary.

– Mâcon : l’hébergement de migrants dans un gymnase, une solution proviso ire. In: FR3. 05.01.2018. https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/bourgogne-franche-comte/saone-et-loire/macon/macon-hebergement-migrants-gymnase-solution-provisoire-1395645.html
– Deux cambrioleuses prises en flagrant délit par la police municipal. In: La Voix du Nord. 06.01.2018. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/291555/article/2018-01-06/deux-cambrioleuses-prises-en-flagrant-delit-par-la-police-municipale [link-preview url=”https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/bourgogne-franche-comte/saone-et-loire/macon/macon-hebergement-migrants-gymnase-solution-provisoire-1395645.html “]
