Daily Archives: January 9, 2018

Neo Nazis

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An analysis of the rise of the Neo Nazi movement in Slovakia. Long ignored, even when its propaganda led to murder of Roma as in Žilina in 2000, they now sit in the Slovak Parliament.

– Rok 2013: Ľudia dali prednosť fašizmu pred Smerom. In: SME. 08.01.2018. https://domov.sme.sk/c/20722118/rok-2013-ludia-dali-prednost-fasizmu-pred-smerom.html#ixzz53fKtqp9X [link-preview url=”https://domov.sme.sk/c/20722118/rok-2013-ludia-dali-prednost-fasizmu-pred-smerom.html#ixzz53fKtqp9X”]


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A classical New Year Concert took place in Germany under the title “Spiel Zigeuner!” [Play, Gypsy]. Not the best choice to say the least.

– „Spiel, Zigeuner!“: Neujahrskonzert mit kontroversem Titel. In: Dewezet. 08.01.2018. https://www.dewezet.de/kultur/kultur-lokal_artikel,-spiel-zigeuner-neujahrskonzert-mit-kontroversem-titel-_arid,2430532.html [link-preview url=”https://www.dewezet.de/kultur/kultur-lokal_artikel,-spiel-zigeuner-neujahrskonzert-mit-kontroversem-titel-_arid,2430532.html”]

Special Schools …

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It seems that the situation in the Czech Republic hasn’t improved at all in the last three years. 12.7% of Roma children are relegated to schools for children with mental disorders.
Note that Rome translates this as “reduced standard” but the Prague Monitor calls it by it correct name.
This is a practice that has long been the norm in that country and is not acceptable.

– Czech EdMin says number of Romani children educated according to reduced standards has not changed in three years. In: Romea. 07.01.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-edmin-says-number-of-romani-children-educated-according-to-reduced-standards-has-not-changed-in-three-year
– Over tenth of Czech Roma at schools for kids with mental disorder. In: The Prague Monitor. 06.01.2017. http://praguemonitor.com/2018/01/08/over-tenth-czech-roma-schools-kids-mental-disorder [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-edmin-says-number-of-romani-children-educated-according-to-reduced-standards-has-not-changed-in-three-year “]
