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Daily Archives: January 17, 2018
Abel Ravasz
The Slovak Plenipotnetiary for Roma affairs, Abel Ravasz from the party “Mošt – Hid” gave an interview to the press on his first two years in office.
While he certainly did good things, this latest interview is somewhat puzzling, especially regarding what he says about racism and discrimination of Roma in Slovakia. He says there is no such thing as a racist country and that there is “some discrimination” for Roma in education and work.
We don’t agree here.
– Rómsky splnomocnenec: Rasistické krajiny neexistujú. In: Aktuality. 11.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]
Berlin: Agreement?
Roma and Sinti organisation in berlin hope for a breakthrough in the Berlin Senate leading to an extensive agreement between them and the city for bettering the situation of Sinti and Roma in Berlin.
– Ein Sprachrohr für Roma. In: ND. 16.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]
Exhibition in Verden
An exhibition on Sinti and Roma in sport in Germany is focusing on the lives of three Sinti sportsmen Oswald Marschall (Boxing), Walter Laubinger and Sergio Peter (Football).
– Ausstellung im Verdener Rathaus berichtet über Sinti und Roma im Sport. In: Kreiszeitung. 16.01.2018. [link-preview url=””]