Daily Archives: February 5, 2018

Slovakia: Boarding Schools

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There is a real media frenzy lately in Slovakia regarding the so-called “Roma Crime” and many suggestions of populists “solutions” to this “problem”. One of them is again the idea of setting up boarding schools. They are presented as a mean to help Roma get a better education and at reducing crime (yes). Arguments against these schools are presented here by Abel Ravasz, the Roma plenipotentiary in Slovakia.
Unfortunately, this has already been tried under communism. And, as these boarding schools were 100% Roma, the level of education provided was really low. This will happen again here. It is simply an attempt at assimilation.

– Namiesto zombi riešení pre Rómov urobme to, čo funguje. In: Dennik. 02.02.2018. https://dennikn.sk/1017448/namiesto-zombi-rieseni-pre-romov-urobme-to-co-funguje/ [link-preview url=”https://dennikn.sk/1017448/namiesto-zombi-rieseni-pre-romov-urobme-to-co-funguje/”]

France: Reducing Ghettoes

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The French government intends to noticeably reduce the number of shanty towns in France in the coming five years.
REALLY? Does it take France FIVE years to find lodging for less than 20’000 People?

– Le gouvernement vise une ” réduction durable ” des bidonvilles ” dans les cinq ans à venir “. In: WEKA. 31.01.2018. https://www.weka.fr/actualite/lutte-contre-les-exclusions/article/le-gouvernement-vise-une-reduction-durable-des-bidonvilles-dans-les-cinq-ans-a-venir-61553/ [link-preview url=”https://www.weka.fr/actualite/lutte-contre-les-exclusions/article/le-gouvernement-vise-une-reduction-durable-des-bidonvilles-dans-les-cinq-ans-a-venir-61553/”]

Bulgaria – Poland

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Again a story that plays on the old stereotypes of Roma stealing children. A 3-year-old child who was missing in Poland was found in a Roma neighbourhood in Varna. According to the woman who kept it, the child’s mother had gone to Poland.

– The Missing Child from Poland was Found in the Roma Neighborhood of Varna. In: Novinite. 02.02.2018. http://www.novinite.com/articles/187562/The+Missing+Child+from+Poland+was+Found+in+the+Roma+Neighborhood+of+Varna [link-preview url=”http://www.novinite.com/articles/187562/The+Missing+Child+from+Poland+was+Found+in+the+Roma+Neighborhood+of+Varna”]
