Daily Archives: February 10, 2018

Slovenian Slums

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On the occasion of the visit in Novo Mesto of Borut Pahor, the Slovenian President, Bogdan Miklič, President of the Roma Union of Dolenjska, showed the President the life of the Roma in the largest Roma settlement Žabjak, and pointed out that many of the Roma have been living without electricity or water for more than seventy years in extremely bad conditions. He was also critical of the municipality, which does too little for the Roma settlements and warned of their uncontrolled spread. He went somewhat overboard though in comparing the situation of the slums with that of Darfur … This is a comparison better not done.

– Zveza Romov za Dolenjsko: V Žabjaku je kot v Darfurju. In: Lokalno. 08.02.2018. http://www.lokalno.si/2018/02/08/190398/zgodba/Zveza_Romov_za_Dolenjsko_V_Zabjaku_je_kot_v_Darfurju/ [link-preview url=”http://www.lokalno.si/2018/02/08/190398/zgodba/Zveza_Romov_za_Dolenjsko_V_Zabjaku_je_kot_v_Darfurju/”]

Okamura …

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The Czech MP and Right Wing party leader Tomio Okamura as well as his right hand and MP Miroslav Rozner are being sued by Roma families of Holocaust victims after having both denied the Roma Holocaust.
Good! Let’s hope they are condemned too!

– Českí Rómovia podali trestné oznámenie na Okamuru a Roznera. In: Spravy Pravda. 08.02.2018. https://spravy.pravda.sk/svet/clanok/457864-ceski-romovia-podali-trestne-oznamenie-na-okamuru-a-roznera/
– Families of Roma Holocaust victims suing SPD leader Okamura. In: The Prague Monitor. 09.02.2018. http://praguemonitor.com/2018/02/09/families-roma-holocaust-victims-suing-spd-leader-okamura [link-preview url=”https://spravy.pravda.sk/svet/clanok/457864-ceski-romovia-podali-trestne-oznamenie-na-okamuru-a-roznera/ “]

Ukraine: Thefts and Roma

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In spite of the police statement that the number of thefts has decreased, many residents in Kiev hold Roma responsible. They say that the fines that are imposed for theft do not deter crime.
Bad that Roma are singled out without any proof.

– Воровство в Киеве: горожане жалуются на ромов. In: Kiev Segodnia. 08.02.2018. https://kiev.segodnya.ua/kaccidents/vorovstvo-v-kieve-gorozhane-zhaluyutsya-na-romov-1112362.html [link-preview url=”https://kiev.segodnya.ua/kaccidents/vorovstvo-v-kieve-gorozhane-zhaluyutsya-na-romov-1112362.html”]

Plauen: It Was a Crime

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The fire that ripped through a house mostly inhabited by Roma and migrants was most probably of criminal origins. A 26 years old man from Dresden was arrested on suspicion of arson.

– Brand in Plauen absichtlich gelegt. In: Sächsische Zeitung. 09.02.2018. https://www.sz-online.de/sachsen/brand-in-plauen-absichtlich-gelegt-3875997.html
– Großbrand im Roma-Viertel: “Die Bewohner haben Angst”. In: Vogtland Anzeiger. 06.02.2018. http://vogtland-anzeiger.de/Vogtland_Anzeiger/cms-nachrichten/plauen/grossbrand-im-roma-viertel-die-bewohner-haben-angst-.html [link-preview url=”https://www.sz-online.de/sachsen/brand-in-plauen-absichtlich-gelegt-3875997.html “]
