Seminar in Brussel in April [link-preview url=””]
Daily Archives: February 15, 2018
Norway is contributing money to build a memorial on the ground of the former concentration camp of Lety.
– Norway Grants to contribute to new Roma Holocaust memorial. In: The Prague Monitor. 14.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]
An editorial on Romophobia or rather on racism against Roma. Some of the historical background is not that accurate, as, in the Balkan both in the Byzantine and later in the Ottoman Empire, the situation of Roma was very different.
– Romaphobia. The last acceptable racism? In: Political Critique. [link-preview url=””]
EU and Slovakia
The European Commissioner for Justice and Consumer Protection, Věra Jourová is concerned about the situation of Roma pupils in Slovakia. She said it is inconceivable that discrimination and segregation of Roma children and pupils is currently taking place in the heart of Europe.
She is right!
– Komisárka Jourová je znepokojená situáciou rómskych žiakov na Slovensku. In: Aktuality. 15.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]