Daily Archives: February 16, 2018

Slovenia: Really?

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The news that isn’t one: The police confiscated “several pieces of weapons” and “smaller quantities of drugs” in several Roma settlements as they had received information that Roma were engaged in weapon dealing…
If they were and are, it is a real retail operation judging by the reported numbers… How about the simpler explanation of poverty and petty criminality?

– Roma settlements targeted in weapons bust. In: STA. 16.02.2018. https://english.sta.si/2483082/roma-settlements-targeted-in-weapons-bust

Hungary and Roma

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A reportage in Hungary on Roma children removed from their families to be put into homes under really bad conditions. The reportage is on the “sensational” side, but the fact remains.

– ‘Nightmare’ plight of the Roma children being taken from their families and placed at risk of abuse in Hungary’s state-run care homes is exposed in shocking documentary. In: The Daily Mail. 15.02.2018. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-5387799/Documentary-explores-anti-Gypsy-crisis-Hungary.html
– ‘They love me’: Roma mum worries her children will be taken. In: The Daily Mail. 15.02.2018. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/femail/video-1627740/Video-love-Roma-mum-worries-children-taken.html

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