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Daily Archives: February 18, 2018
Hungary: Increased Police Controls
The Hungarian police has been given extended rights to conduct identity and physical checks based on a “heightened state of alert” … Note that the police conducts many checks, more than a million a year for a population of less than ten million.
There is a real fear that these extra powers will be negatively felt by the Roma minority.
– National Commissioner of Police ordains increased police control, again. In: Budapest Beacon. 17.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]
Slovakia and Affirmative Action
Martin Kotleba, the extreme rightist party leader in Slovakia is trying to stop the affirmative action program for Roma by proposing an amendment to the anti-discrimination law.
Let’s hope he fails.
– Kotleba proti pozitívnej diskriminácii: Ak je splnomocnenec pre Rómov, musí mať svojho aj majorita. In: Aktualne. 16.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]
Kosovo: The Forgotten Victims
On the tenth anniversary of the Kosovo, Roma are often forgotten. This is bad, as the UCK actually ethnically cleansed the land of its Roma and there is little space for any minority.
– Les Roms du Kosovo, victimes oubliées de la guerre. In: TV5. 16.02.2018.
– Ashkali, Gorani, Croates: le crépuscule des plus petites minorités du Kosovo. In: Le Temps. [link-preview url=””]
French Chronicle …
Very little news this week in France. In the South, neighbours of a future “insertion village” for Roma in Montpellier are protesting; in the North, in Hautbourdin, a camp burnt down, and someone took the opportunity to steal the belongings of the Roma; and near Paris, in Triel sur Seine, residents are asking for a camp to be closed.
Finally, news on criminality with the trial of the young Roma pickpockets from Paris’ Disneyland and with the arrest in Perpignan of 17 Roma accused of having organised dozens of pickpockets in Montpellier.
– Montpellier : colères autour du futur village rom. In: Midi Libre. 17.02.2018.,1628940.php
– Montpellier : un terrain d’entente à trouver pour le futur village d’insertion des Roms. In: Metropolitain. 12.02.2018.
– Le camp des Roms brûle, des voleurs en profitent pour se server. In: La Voix du Nord. 16.02.2018.
– RD1 à Triel-sur-Seine : une pétition réclame la fermeture du camp de Roms. In: 16.02.2018.
– Chessy : devant Disneyland Paris, neuf pickpockets volaient jusqu’à 180 000 euros par mois. In: Le Parisien. 13.02.2018.
– Elles détroussaient les voyageurs, ils roulaient en Porsche : 12 hommes mis en examen. In: France 3. 17.02.2018.
– Gang du tramway de Montpellier : les détails de l’opération de police à Perpignan. In: Midi Libre. 14.02.2018.,1627544.php [link-preview url=” “]