Daily Archives: February 21, 2018

A Parallel

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An article making a parallel between Roma and African Americans due to slavery. Historically, one has to be careful because Roma slavery existed only in Wallachia and Moldova (which later became part of Romania) and to a lesser extent in other regions of Transylvania. Nowhere else. So the parallel is very valid in Romania itself, but cannot be generalised.

– Roma and African Americans share a common struggle. In: The Guardian. 20.02.2018. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/feb/20/roma-african-americans-common-struggle [link-preview url=”https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/feb/20/roma-african-americans-common-struggle”]

Czech Republic and Holocaust

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Following the statements by Tomio Okamura and consorts regarding the Roma Holocaust in the Czech Republic (almost all Roma were killed), a Czech historian reminds his fellow citizen of what really happened.

– Czech historian reminds public that cruel abuse was perpetrated at concentration camp for Roma in Moravia. In: Romea.cz. 20.02.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-historian-reminds-public-that-cruel-abuse-was-perpetrated-at-concentration-camp-for-roma-in-moravia [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-historian-reminds-public-that-cruel-abuse-was-perpetrated-at-concentration-camp-for-roma-in-moravia”]


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The so-called “Ordnungsamt” – Office of Order – of the city of Frankfurt is in the middle of a controversy. One of their employees stamped the passport of a Romanian Romni with the official office’s stamp and wrote on the passport “Was met while aggressively begging”.
Not only is this illegal but it also reminds one of the past. Let’s hope the person who did this gets booted out.

– Ordnungsamt-Stempel im Pass einer Romni sorgt für Aufsehen. In: Merkurist. 16.02.2018. https://merkurist.de/frankfurt/repressalien-ordnungsamt-stempel-im-pass-einer-romni-sorgt-fuer-aufsehen_tIl [link-preview url=”https://merkurist.de/frankfurt/repressalien-ordnungsamt-stempel-im-pass-einer-romni-sorgt-fuer-aufsehen_tIl”]
