Daily Archives: February 23, 2018

Movies and Roma …

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A conference on the theme of Antitziganism and Movies started in Berlin on Wednesday, February 21st. The conference was convened on the back of the controversy of the German television movie “Nelly’s Adventures” which depicted Roma in a negative and stereotypical way. These stereotypes are all too often present in movies as soon as Roma are present. This needs to stop.

– ANTIZIGANISMUS IM FILM: DIE PRODUKTION VON RASSISTISCHEN STEREOTYPE. In: Belltower News. 22.02.2018. http://www.belltower.news/artikel/antiziganismus-im-film-die-produktion-von-rassistischen-stereotype-13363

More on Frankfurt

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The story of the stamp and the note on the passport of a Romni from Romania continues to feed the news. It made it to the Romanian news, where they noted that the German administration effectively defaced property of the Romanian State (yes, the passport). It continues to get coverage in Germany, as it is all too reminiscent of practices of the Nazis.

– Bedenkliche Vermerke in Pässen: Will Frankfurt obdachlose Roma-Migranten vertreiben? In: Sputnik. 21.02.2018. https://de.sputniknews.com/panorama/20180221319658092-deutschland-frankfurt-sinti-roma-vertreiben/
– Ţigani români, în centrul unui nou SCANDAL: Riscă expulzarea din Germania – ‘Comportament scandalos’. In: Stiripesurse. 22.02.2018. https://www.stiripesurse.ro/tigani-romani–in-centrul-unui-nou-scandal–risca-expulzarea-din-germania—-comportament-scandalos-_1250381.html

Slovenia and Roma

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More reactions in Slovenia following the publications of an Amnesty International report on the situation of refugees and Roma in Slovenia. The report says that the country does too little to stop discrimination and segregation against Roma.

– AI: Slovenija se nikakor ne more pohvaliti glede sprejemanja beguncev. In: RTV SLO. 22.02.2018. http://www.rtvslo.si/slovenija/ai-slovenija-se-nikakor-ne-more-pohvaliti-glede-sprejemanja-beguncev/446745
– Odnos do Romov in beguncev pod drobnogledom. In: Delo. 22.02.2018. https://www.delo.si/novice/slovenija/odnos-do-romov-in-beguncev-pod-drobnogledom.html
– Amnesty International Notes Plight of Refugees and Roma in Slovenia. In: STA. 22.02.2018. http://www.total-slovenia-news.com/news/705-amnesty-international-notes-plight-of-refugees-and-roma-in-slovenia

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