Daily Archives: February 27, 2018


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Roma have been in German lands since 1418. Apparently, this is not quite sufficient to be a “true” German or definitively not a “good” one…

– Roma and Sinti: Germans for centuries, but still considered outsiders. In: The Local. 26.02.2018. https://www.thelocal.de/20180226/germans-for-centuries-but-still-considered-outsiders [link-preview url=”https://www.thelocal.de/20180226/germans-for-centuries-but-still-considered-outsiders”]


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The DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit) now warns against Roma Gypsies who are allegedly targeting elderly people …

– Warning to the elderly: Roma gypsies said to be targeting the old and vulnerable at DART stations. In: The Liberal. 25.02.2018. http://theliberal.ie/warning-to-the-elderly-roma-gypsies-said-to-be-targeting-the-old-and-vulnerable-at-dart-stations/ [link-preview url=”http://theliberal.ie/warning-to-the-elderly-roma-gypsies-said-to-be-targeting-the-old-and-vulnerable-at-dart-stations/”]

SVP and Roma

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The SVP, the Swiss rightist party distanced itself from its Bernese youth branch following their publication of a racist poster on the internet.
This poster was removed from Facebook in the meantime but led to an indictment of the Young SVP party for incitation to racist hatred.

– Mutterpartei rüffelt Berner Jung-SVP-Chefs. In: Blick. 25.02.2018. https://www.blick.ch/news/politik/svp-zoff-wegen-zigeuner-plakat-mutterpartei-rueffelt-berner-jung-svp-chefs-id8034423.html
– Dieses Bild wird eingeklagt. In: Tageswoche. 24.02.2018. https://tageswoche.ch/gesellschaft/dieses-bild-wird-eingeklagt/ [link-preview url=”https://www.blick.ch/news/politik/svp-zoff-wegen-zigeuner-plakat-mutterpartei-rueffelt-berner-jung-svp-chefs-id8034423.html “]
