Monthly Archives: February 2018

Uzhgorod – First School

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An article about one of the first Roma school which opened in Uzhgorod in 1926, at that time in Czechoslovakia. It also describes the osada in the city and the living conditions. A good read.

– Втрачений Ужгород: як у місті відкрили першу в Європі ромську школу (Фото). In: Prozahid. 17.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Salzburg: Beggars and Snow

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An article on the plight of beggars – in some case Romanian Roma – during the winter. Lack of shelters, sleeping in the rough, poverty. Is this the “organised criminal beggar bands”?

– Drama um die Bettler in Schnee und Eiseskälte. In: Die Krone. 15.02.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Slovakia: More on the Initiative

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Another article on the new campaign against discrimination in Slovakia. This is gathering momentum, which is really good.

– Divé maky predstavili liek na predsudky a extrémizmus: Viac úspešných Rómov. In: Bratislava Noviny. 15.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

English Language …

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A small review of English terminology that has racist origins…

– These Words and Phrases Have Racist Origins. In: Life Hacker. 15.02.2017. [link-preview url=”″]

Brno: Protests

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A manifestation took place in Brno, Czech Republic, to protest the Holocaust denial by politicians of the extreme rightist party SPD and its leader Tomio Okamura.
We need more of these, and also in other countries!

– Brno procession protests against Roma Holocaust denial. In: The Prague Monitor. 16.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland: Foreigners not Wanted

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The Swiss canton of Neuchatel is preparing a law on travellers that discriminates against non-Swiss travellers coming to the country (some on a regular basis since the 1970’s).
This is not acceptable.

– ” Une loi qui criminalise des minorités ” In: RTN. 13.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovenia: Really?

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The news that isn’t one: The police confiscated “several pieces of weapons” and “smaller quantities of drugs” in several Roma settlements as they had received information that Roma were engaged in weapon dealing…
If they were and are, it is a real retail operation judging by the reported numbers… How about the simpler explanation of poverty and petty criminality?

– Roma settlements targeted in weapons bust. In: STA. 16.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Archive

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An article on the Rom Archive project which will go online in October 2018.

– Von Franz Liszt bis Flamenco. In: Deutschland Rundfunk. 15.02.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Hungary and Roma

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A reportage in Hungary on Roma children removed from their families to be put into homes under really bad conditions. The reportage is on the “sensational” side, but the fact remains.

– ‘Nightmare’ plight of the Roma children being taken from their families and placed at risk of abuse in Hungary’s state-run care homes is exposed in shocking documentary. In: The Daily Mail. 15.02.2018.
– ‘They love me’: Roma mum worries her children will be taken. In: The Daily Mail. 15.02.2018. [link-preview url=” “]


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Norway is contributing money to build a memorial on the ground of the former concentration camp of Lety.

– Norway Grants to contribute to new Roma Holocaust memorial. In: The Prague Monitor. 14.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]


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An editorial on Romophobia or rather on racism against Roma. Some of the historical background is not that accurate, as, in the Balkan both in the Byzantine and later in the Ottoman Empire, the situation of Roma was very different.

– Romaphobia. The last acceptable racism? In: Political Critique. [link-preview url=””]

EU and Slovakia

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The European Commissioner for Justice and Consumer Protection, Věra Jourová is concerned about the situation of Roma pupils in Slovakia. She said it is inconceivable that discrimination and segregation of Roma children and pupils is currently taking place in the heart of Europe.
She is right!

– Komisárka Jourová je znepokojená situáciou rómskych žiakov na Slovensku. In: Aktuality. 15.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: New Campaign

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A Slovak NGO is launching a campaign to fight against discrimination and for integration. They are trying to point at positive examples of young Roma who, with the help of the NGO’s donors will develop their talents and become positive examples.

– Divé maky bojujú proti extrémizmu vzdelávaním Rómov. In: SME. 14.02.2018.
– Nič nerozplače nácka tak, ako úspešný Róm. In: Strategie. 12.02.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Germany and Roma

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Romani Rose, the President of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma considers anti-Gypsism as a widespread social problem. According to him, Sinti and Roma still have to fight against exclusion. He also opposed the recognition of several Balkan countries as “safe” for Roma.

– Rada Sinti i Romów: jesteśmy nadal dyskryminowani. In: Deutsche Welle. 13.02.2018.ów-jesteśmy-nadal-dyskryminowani/a-42574465 [link-preview url=”ów-jesteśmy-nadal-dyskryminowani/a-42574465″]


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This webpage and its author doesn’t miss a single opportunity to present Roma in a bad light. But smartly enough that there are always enough facts so as not to be really able to nail him for obvious racism.
Any idea on how to stop them?

– 18-Year-Old Roma Woman Gergana Blagoeva Murders her 2-Year-Old baby for Crying Too Loudly. In: EU Scoop. 13.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Last Call

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Last chance to apply to a summer course at the CEU in Budapest.

– Romani Identities and Antigypsyism. In: Summer University. [link-preview url=”″]

Fabian Le Bas

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An article on Fabian Le Bas who died in December last year.

– The Birth of Gypsy Dada: On the Life and Legacy of Damian Le Bas (1963-2017). In: Blok Magazin. 07.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Germany – More Racism

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The crypt of a Sinti family was defaced in a racially motivated attack in Germany. In addition, SS runes were drawn in the snow on their car, leaving little doubt that this is motivated by hate.

– Sinti-Gruft geschändet / SS-Runen auf dem Auto. In” SZ LZ. 08.02.2018.,-sintigruft-geschaendet-ssrunen-auf-dem-auto-_arid,2438433.html
– Nach Grabschändung: Erneut SS-Runen an Sinti-Auto. In: SZ LZ. 09.02.2018.,-nach-grabschaendung-erneut-ssrunen-an-sintiauto-_arid,2438732.html [link-preview url=”,-sintigruft-geschaendet-ssrunen-auf-dem-auto-_arid,2438433.html “]