Monthly Archives: February 2018

Remember …

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Remembrance celebration of Rukeli Trollmann, a Sinto boxer who was killed in Neuengamme in 1944.
May he rest in peace.

– Gedenken anlässlich des 74. Todestages von Rukeli Trollmann. In: Naturfreunde. [link-preview url=””]

Rome, Roma, and Mafia

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Several Roma families are connected to the Casamonica Mafia clan which controls a large part of Rome’s criminal activities. The Carabinieri, have carried out the seizure of 430 assets worth over 4 million euros (including a three-storey building, a prestigious villa and various land on the outskirts of Rome) belonging to the Roma family Di Silvio.
Not good for all of us.

– Chi comanda a Roma: la mappa della criminalità nella Capitale. In: Roma Today. 08.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Kalinak Lost

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The Slovak Interior minister Kalinak lost his gamble. The could not pass his controversial law to collect data on “Roma criminality”.
Nevertheless, his focus on criminality actually has led to extremely negative proposals in Slovakia.

– Kaliňák neuspel, polícia nebude robiť rómske štatistiky. In: Aktuality. 05.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Anti-Roma Rhetoric

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According to Zuza Kumanová, an anthropologist, recent weeks in Slovakia have seen an
increase in anti-Romani rhetoric. Opposition and coalition politicians have been overtaken by proposals for coercive measures in relation to this national minority.
This article makes the point that this doesn’t help and that the measures proposed do not do anything for the integration.

– Falošná hra protirómskou kartou. In: Pravda. 07.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Slovakia: Opinion

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Vladimír Ledecký the independent mayor of Spišský Hrhov writes about how Roma issues can be solved. He says that the current “schizophrenia” does not help, and that “convincing all people to pull the car in the same direction” is the way to go. He advocates work, education, and measures to help with accumulated debts. His village is actually one the of the model of integration in the country.

– Ako riešiť problémy Rómov a rodín v núdzi (názor). In: Aktuality. 05.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Kiev – Again

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Another article in the Press on Roma criminality. According to the article, residents of Kiev complain massively about Roma who “steal everything they see” …
How about complaining about some of the politicians and oligarchs who effectively already stole everything there was to steal?

– Киевляне массово жалуются на ромов: воруют все, что видят. In: Narodna Pravda. 10.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Eleven Thousand

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The French expulsed more than 11’000 people last year. This number is rising. And, what is more and not said here, these are always the same people, year on year.
How about finding a solution for the roughly 20’000 Roma who live in those camps?

– Roms : les expulsions ont augmenté l’an dernier avec plus de 11.000 personnes évacuées. In: Europe 1. 06.02.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

French Chronicle …

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The biggest news this week was that the expulsion of a Roma camp in Lille, in the North of France in November 2017 was illegal… The town and the State were condemned for having proceeded with the expulsion without a court order during the winter moratorium. Nevertheless, the people who were expulsed are still not lodged properly.
Near Paris, the snow in the capital renders life miserable in some of the camps. In Triel, near Paris, more than 700 people signed a petition to ask for the closure of a camp. In Western France, near Angers, people who were expulsed are suffering from the cold. In another town, residents are petitioning the mayor for the closure of a camp. In Perpignan, an association is trying to help the Roma whose camp was recently destroyed by a fire. In Montpellier, the local Gitans are opposed to the creation of a Roma insertion camp near their homes. In Nice, 36 people were expulsed. And finally, in the Grenoble region, in Fontaine, a call of an action plan rather than the usual policy of expulsions.

– Trêve hivernale : la ville de Lille condamnée pour l’expulsion du camp de Roms de l’Esplanade. In: FR3 Hauts de France. 07.02.2018.
– Lille: L’expulsion du camp de Roms était illégale. In: 20 Minutes (FR). )7.02.2018.
– La ville de Lille et l’Etat condamnés après l’expulsion d’un campement de Roms en pleine trêve hivernale. In: France Bleu. 06.02.2018.
– La ville de Lille et la préfecture condamnées pour l’expulsion des Roms de l’Esplanade. In: La Voix du Nord. 06.02.2018.
– De la neige et des Roms. In: Mediapart. 10.02.2018.
– Triel-sur-Seine : plus de 700 signatures pour demander la fermeture du campement rom. In: Temps Réel 78. 08.02.2018.
– Les expulsés des squats font face au froid. In: Ouest France. 09.02.2018.
– Camps Roms: les riverains à la rencontre du maire. In: Ouest France. 05.02.2018.
– Situation des Roms dans le département : un collectif de soutien relancé. In: La Semaine. 09.02.2018.
– Montpellier. Village d’insertion pour les Roms à Celleneuve, la communauté gitane s’y oppose. In: Lengadoc. 07.02.2018.
– 36 personnes expulsées d’un camp de Roms ce mercredi matin. In: Nice Matin. 07.02.2018.
– Un plan d’action ” plutôt que l’expulsion des Roms ” In: Le Dauphiné. 06.02.2018.
French Chronicle …

The biggest news this week was that the expulsion of a Roma camp in Lille, in the North of France in November 2017 was illegal… The town and the State were condemned for having proceeded with the expulsion without a court order during the winter moratorium. Nevertheless, the people who were expulsed are still not lodged properly.
Near Paris, the snow in the capital renders life miserable in some of the camps. In Triel, near Paris, more than 700 people signed a petition to ask for the closure of a camp. In Western France, near Angers, people who were expulsed are suffering from the cold. In another town, residents are petitioning the mayor for the closure of a camp. In Perpignan, an association is trying to help the Roma whose camp was recently destroyed by a fire. In Montpellier, the local Gitans are opposed to the creation of a Roma insertion camp near their homes. In Nice, 36 people were expulsed. And finally, in the Grenoble region, in Fontaine, a call of an action plan rather than the usual policy of expulsions.

– Trêve hivernale : la ville de Lille condamnée pour l’expulsion du camp de Roms de l’Esplanade. In: FR3 Hauts de France. 07.02.2018.
– Lille: L’expulsion du camp de Roms était illégale. In: 20 Minutes (FR). )7.02.2018.
– La ville de Lille et l’Etat condamnés après l’expulsion d’un campement de Roms en pleine trêve hivernale. In: France Bleu. 06.02.2018.
– La ville de Lille et la préfecture condamnées pour l’expulsion des Roms de l’Esplanade. In: La Voix du Nord. 06.02.2018.
– De la neige et des Roms. In: Mediapart. 10.02.2018.
– Triel-sur-Seine : plus de 700 signatures pour demander la fermeture du campement rom. In: Temps Réel 78. 08.02.2018.
– Les expulsés des squats font face au froid. In: Ouest France. 09.02.2018.
– Camps Roms: les riverains à la rencontre du maire. In: Ouest France. 05.02.2018.
– Situation des Roms dans le département : un collectif de soutien relancé. In: La Semaine. 09.02.2018.
– Montpellier. Village d’insertion pour les Roms à Celleneuve, la communauté gitane s’y oppose. In: Lengadoc. 07.02.2018.
– 36 personnes expulsées d’un camp de Roms ce mercredi matin. In: Nice Matin. 07.02.2018.
– Un plan d’action ” plutôt que l’expulsion des Roms ” In: Le Dauphiné. 06.02.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Slovenian Slums

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On the occasion of the visit in Novo Mesto of Borut Pahor, the Slovenian President, Bogdan Miklič, President of the Roma Union of Dolenjska, showed the President the life of the Roma in the largest Roma settlement Žabjak, and pointed out that many of the Roma have been living without electricity or water for more than seventy years in extremely bad conditions. He was also critical of the municipality, which does too little for the Roma settlements and warned of their uncontrolled spread. He went somewhat overboard though in comparing the situation of the slums with that of Darfur … This is a comparison better not done.

– Zveza Romov za Dolenjsko: V Žabjaku je kot v Darfurju. In: Lokalno. 08.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Okamura …

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The Czech MP and Right Wing party leader Tomio Okamura as well as his right hand and MP Miroslav Rozner are being sued by Roma families of Holocaust victims after having both denied the Roma Holocaust.
Good! Let’s hope they are condemned too!

– Českí Rómovia podali trestné oznámenie na Okamuru a Roznera. In: Spravy Pravda. 08.02.2018.
– Families of Roma Holocaust victims suing SPD leader Okamura. In: The Prague Monitor. 09.02.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Ukraine: Thefts and Roma

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In spite of the police statement that the number of thefts has decreased, many residents in Kiev hold Roma responsible. They say that the fines that are imposed for theft do not deter crime.
Bad that Roma are singled out without any proof.

– Воровство в Киеве: горожане жалуются на ромов. In: Kiev Segodnia. 08.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Plauen: It Was a Crime

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The fire that ripped through a house mostly inhabited by Roma and migrants was most probably of criminal origins. A 26 years old man from Dresden was arrested on suspicion of arson.

– Brand in Plauen absichtlich gelegt. In: Sächsische Zeitung. 09.02.2018.
– Großbrand im Roma-Viertel: “Die Bewohner haben Angst”. In: Vogtland Anzeiger. 06.02.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Plauen: On the Fire

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The new fire in the City of Plauen may have been racially motivated. The Central Councile of German Sinti and Roma is asking for a thorough investigation of the fire that killed three people.

– Brand in Plauen möglicherweise rassistisch motiviert. In: MiGazin. 07.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma and the Czech

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Seems that the resident of Prague are the most prejudiced against Roma. 82% of them have a negative opinion of them. Mind you, the rest of the country has a 76% of people with a negative opinion of Roma (only 3 out of 4 …) and 27% of people who have a negative opinion of Jews…
In which century are we?

– ÚSTR survey: Praguers most opposed to Roma, Jews. In: The Prague Daily Monitor. 08.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

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The controversy that followed casting a white student in the role of Esmeralda in the play based on Victor Hugo’s novel on the Hunchback of Notre Dame has made it to the front page of major newspapers in the US. Several students of the high school which scheduled the play managed to have it cancelled, saying that casting a “white” student in the role of a Romni was racist or at least cultural appropriation. Reactions against them were really bad and of course, Breitbart also pitched in.
What does it have to do with Roma: Well, actually not much, as the only thing that links Roma to this controversy is the fact that they are depicted in a play … Let’s hope that they are not the un-intended victims of this controversy.

– Casting Controversy Derailed a High School Play. Then Came the Threats. In: The New York Times. 08.02.2018.
– High School Cancels ‘Hunchback of Notre Dame’ Production After White Student Cast as Lead. In: Breitbart. 05.08.2018.
– ‘QUITE DISTURBING’: National coverage of Ithaca High’s play controversy brings threats. In: The Ithaca Journal. 08.02.2018.
– Ithaca High School pulls ‘Hunchback of Notre Dame’ over casting diversity outcry. The Ithaca Journal. 29.01.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Not Only Eastern Europe …

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Roma children are at a high risk of being taken into care and removed from their parents. Not, not in Eastern Europe, but simply in the UK. And for the same reasons…

– GYPSY, ROMA AND TRAVELLER CHILDREN MORE LIKELY TO BE TAKEN INTO CARE. In: Care Appointment. 07.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Scotland: More on the Roma Photographers

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More news on the exhibition of young Roma photographers in Glasgow.

– Through the lens with Govanhill’s young Roma photographers in new exhibition. In: The Big Issue. 06.02.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Refugees in Canada

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Roma asking for asylum in Ontario are increasingly being granted the right to stay. The success rate is now at 70%. The trend is the result of removing corrupt and inept lawyers from the process.

– 70% of Roma refugee claims now positive in Ontario, after years of low success rates. In: CNC News. 07.02.2018. [link-preview url=”″]


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An article about the young Roma activist who produced and acted in the play “Giuvlipen” in Romania.

– How is Roma activist art challenging stereotypes? In: Al Jazeera. 07.02.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Again …

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The page EU Scoop Doesn’t miss any opportunity to present Roma in their worst light and clearly to generalise. Purpose is clear: All Roma are criminals, cannot be integrated and … Well the rest is to be expected.
This time, this is a street light in a house…

– Gypsies Integrated a Functional Concrete Streetlamp into their House in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. In: EU Scoop. [link-preview url=””]