Monthly Archives: March 2018

Domari in Irak

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One speaks too little about them, but the Domari – the Middle Eastern cousins of Roma suffered tremendously from IS. In one of their villages the school was reconstructed recently in Iraq.
Good but the press should use the proper name instead of calling them “Gypsies” in a more politically correct fashion.

– Iraqi Roma village school reopens 14 years after destruction. In : The Jordan Times. 29.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

US Embassy Prague: Internship

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The City of Prague and US Embassy are offering internships to Roma students.

– Prague and US Embassy offer internships to Roma students. In: The Prague Daily Monitor. 27.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Poprad: Temporary Lodgings

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The Roma who lost their housing to a fire in Poprad, and who were then quartered into a cinema in the city have now partly been given better temporary accommodation in the form of containers.
Took a while …

– Rómov, ktorí prišli po požiari o domov, už presťahovali do unimobuniek. In: Korzar. 31.03.2018.
– Rómov zo Staničnej ulice v Poprade do unimobuniek stále nepresťahovali. In: Teraz. 31.03.2018.
– Unimobunky už stoja na mieste. Rómov do nich zatiaľ nenasťahovali. In: Aktualn2. 27.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Janos Lazar: Slovak Reactions

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Incredulity on the Slovakian side at the statements of Janos Lazar, one of Orban’s staunchest supporters on Roma and Migrants whereby the situation of Roma shows one cannot integrate migrants. He said that Roma could not be integrated even in 600 years…
Mind you, Mr. Lazar was in charge of the integration of Roma between 2008 and 2012 with the money of Georges Soros … What an irony.

– Maďarský minister pochybuje o začlenení prisťahovalcov: Nepodarí sa ich integrovať tak ako ani Rómov. In: Aktuality. 29.03.2018.
– Maďarský minister to povedal narovinu: Prisťahovalcov sa nepodarí integrovať, ako ani Rómov. In: Topky. 29.03.2018.
– Maďarský minister: Migrantov nezačleníme. S Cigánmi sa to nepodarilo za 600 rokov. In: HNSvet. 29.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Roma Education Fund

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Positions available at the Roma Education Fund.

– Positions Available: Two Country Coordinators for VELUX Foundations Project Shaping Academic and Employment Skills for Young Roma in Hungary and Slovakia. In: Roma Education Fund. [link-preview url=””]

Hungarian Roma in Toronto

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The story of Joszef who fled Hungary to Canada and has now settled in Toronto. Good that one speaks of the situation in Hungary.

– Seeking asylum: How one Roma family fled persecution for safety in Canada. In: City News. 29.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary – WHAT????

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According to Janos Lazar, a close ally of Victor Orban, the Roma are the proof that migrants cannot be integrated.
Another racist …

– Orbán ally hits anti-Roma note ahead of election. In: Politico. 29.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Brno: A Park Named after a Rom

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A park in the city of Brno was named after Eugen “Jank” Horvath, a Roma folk musician.

– V Brně pojmenovali park po romském primáši Eugenu Horváthovi, podařilo se to napodruhé. In: Romea. 28.03.2018.
– Park in Brno City named after Roma musician. In: The Prague Daily Monitor. 28.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Hungary and Roma

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The Hungarian child protection agency is systematically removing Roma children from their families but the Hungarian state does nothing to combat extreme poverty. The agency is now being sued.

– EMMI sued for taking away too many Roma children from their families due to poverty. In: The Budapest Beacon. 28.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Poland and Racism …

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Numbers speak by themselves; A survey in Poland done between 2015 and 2016 and recently published shows that in Poland, 30% of Poles do not want Roma to be citizen, 38% do not want them as neighbours, and 49% do not want them as family members …
No comments.

– Most Poles accept Jews as fellow citizens and neighbors, but a minority do not. In: Pew Research Centre. 28.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

EU Roma Week

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The third EU Roma Week will take place in Brussels starting on 8th April, the International Roma Day and continue until Thursday 12 April. As part of this week, a special panel will be held on Roma youth in the European policy agenda.

– EU ROMA WEEK 2018. In: Council of Europe. [link-preview url=”″]

Nazif Mujić

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A commemoration of the life of Nazif Mujić who won a prize at the Berlin Film festival and died recently in utter poverty and a reflection on the current situation of Roma in the Balkans.

– Roma in the Balkans: the story of Nazif. In: Ossevatore Balcanico e Caucaso. 27.03.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Germany and Racism

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Antiziganism is still unknown to many people in Germany, in contrast to anti-Semitism. Ruhan Karakul, the counsellor of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma in Heidelberg, wants to counteract this. The lawyer of Turkish roots was a guest at the “Haus der Begegnung” on Friday afternoon, where she was welcomed as speaker by Ahment Sezer during the International Week Against Racism.

– Rassismus ist allgegenwärtig. In: Westphalische Nachrichten. 26.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Toronto and Panhandlers

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Seems that some Romnja are begging in the street of Toronto claiming to be refugees from various countries.
Bad for all.

– Panhandlers calling themselves refugees appear on GTA streets. In: City News. 26.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Czech Republic: Attack

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A Romni was brutally assaulted in the street of a small Czech city for no apparent reason. The police refused to comment to Romea – a Roma organisations – but was happy to give lots of information to a local TV station.
No comments…

– Brutal assailant attacks Romani woman in front of her children, Czech Police can’t get their stories straight. In: 23.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Exhibition in Brno

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The Roma museum in Brno opened an exhibition of the works of Anrej Pešta, a photographer who documented the Roma live in Czechoslovakia in the 1960-80s.

– Andrej Pešta: Mire sveti / Světy Andreje Pešty. In: ArtMap. 22.03.2018.
– Andrej Pešta: Mire sveti / Světy Andreje Pešty. In: Go To Brno.
– Brno Museum displays Roma photographer’s unique works. In: The Prague Daily Monitor. 26.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

UK, Roma, and Movies

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An article about 300 moves that have been commissioned to give a snapshot of the views of the 16-24 years old in the UK. One of those movie was done by a Romni.

– How a hedgehog gives a glimpse into Romany Gypsy life. In: BBC News. 23.03.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Soldatii …

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The movie “Soldiers” which has been released in Romania. It tells the story of an ethnologist’s homosexual love for a Rom in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Bucharest. The article is an interview of Adi Schiop, the author of the book on which the movie is based who plays his own role in the movie.

– CINÉMA EN ROUMANIE : « SOLDATS », HISTOIRE D’AMOURS ROMS ET MASCULINES À FERENTARI. In: Le Courrier des Balkans. [link-preview url=””]

Pictures of Slovakia

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The Swedish photographer Åke Erikson is publishing a book called “Non Grata” on Roma children in the Lunik IX settlement in Kosiče, Eastern Slovakia.
The look of the picture shows an influence of Koudelka, and his 1975 book about Roma.

– The big picture: Romany children in Slovakia. In: The Guardian. 25.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Poland: Expulsions – Maybe …

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The story of the Limanowa housing estate is still going on. The mayor of that city wanted to evict Roma from a building in the centre of town without providing any alternatives. This has been dragging on in courts ever since the Ombudsman started legal proceedings against the municipality.
This is now in the last instance … Let’s see.

– W poniedziałek wyrok w sprawie o wstrzymanie eksmisji Romów. In: Limanowa. 23.03.2018.;w-poniedzialek-wyrok-w-sprawie-o-wstrzymanie-eksmisji-romow,40708.html [link-preview url=”;w-poniedzialek-wyrok-w-sprawie-o-wstrzymanie-eksmisji-romow,40708.html”]