Daily Archives: March 6, 2018

Slovakia: Evacuated

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A further twist on the fate of the 100 Roma who were evacuated following a fire in their housing estate and who are now lodged in a cinema. The city council needs to vote on funds to buy container housing as an “interim” solution, and meanwhile, children are returning to school after their spring break.

– Žiaci potrebujú od pondelka školu na učenie. Rómov presťahovali do Kina Máj. In: Poprad 24. 03.03.2018. http://poprad.dnes24.sk/ziaci-potrebuju-od-pondelka-skolu-na-ucenie-romov-prestahovali-do-kina-maj-292985
– Stovku Rómov, ktorí prišli po požiari o bývanie, presťahovali do kina. In: Spiš Korzar. 03.03.2018. https://spis.korzar.sme.sk/c/20772823/stovku-romov-ktori-prisli-po-poziari-o-byvanie-prestahovali-do-kina.html [link-preview url=”https://spis.korzar.sme.sk/c/20772823/stovku-romov-ktori-prisli-po-poziari-o-byvanie-prestahovali-do-kina.html”]

Slovakia: An Osada Issue

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The Roma Osada (settlement) in the village of Kolačkov, in North Eastern Slovakia is threatened by a landslide as the hillslope above it is slipping. The Roma Plenipotentiary Ábelom Ravasz is negotiating a land swap with the commune, but, as this process is lengthy, is asking for a temporary agreement to be found. He stated: “By mutual agreement with the municipality, we have selected the land at the beginning of the municipality, as we want to prevent the segregation of the Roma, but since the situation is critical and needs to be solved quickly, the land should be used for the temporary housing.”
Let’s see and let’s hope there is no landslide and victims in the meantime.

– Rómov z Kolačkova chcú presťahovať. Ohrozuje ich svah. In: Spiš Korzar. 05.03.2018. https://spis.korzar.sme.sk/c/20773757/romov-z-kolackova-chcu-prestahovat-ohrozuje-ich-svah.html [link-preview url=”https://spis.korzar.sme.sk/c/20773757/romov-z-kolackova-chcu-prestahovat-ohrozuje-ich-svah.html”]

Hungary, Roma, Orban

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Gabor Varadi, president of the Miskolc Roma local government (in Eastern Hungary) is vehemently protesting against the fact that Orban de-facto qualified Roma as “migrants”. With the demonization of the migrants that has been underway in Hungary, this is very dangerous and definitively discriminatory for people who arrived in the 13th century after all…

– “A cigányság ellen uszított Orbán, bocsánatot kell kérnie”. In: HVG. http://hvg.hu/itthon/20180302_A_ciganysag_ellen_uszitott_Orban_bocsanatot_kell_kernie [link-preview url=”http://hvg.hu/itthon/20180302_A_ciganysag_ellen_uszitott_Orban_bocsanatot_kell_kernie”]
