Daily Archives: March 13, 2018

A Testimony

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The story of a young 23 year old Sintica who was deported 75 years to Auschwitz told by one of his family. She did not survive.

– Im Viehtransporter nach Auschwitz: So erlebte das Sinti-Mädchen Unku den Nazi-Terror. In: Focus. 12.03.2018. https://www.focus.de/regional/sachsen-anhalt/halle-saale-im-viehtransporter-nach-auschwitz-so-erlebte-das-sinti-maedchen-unku-den-nazi-terror_id_8595558.html [link-preview url=”https://www.focus.de/regional/sachsen-anhalt/halle-saale-im-viehtransporter-nach-auschwitz-so-erlebte-das-sinti-maedchen-unku-den-nazi-terror_id_8595558.html”]

It is good but …

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Good intentions – getting poor Roma children to school, wrong presentation, especially for Bulgaria. This country had until recently one of the most integrated Roma minority with many of them having completed higher education.
Roma in Bulgaria are Orthodox or Moslems. Why convert them? Religion and humanitarian help are not the best friends.

– Bulgaria: ACN project encourages Roma children to go to school. In: Independent Catholic News. 12.03.2018. https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/34499 [link-preview url=”https://www.indcatholicnews.com/news/34499″]

Munich: Commemoration

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The city of Munich commemorated the deportation of 150 Sinti to Auschwitz 75 years ago. The police was heavily involved in these deportations and knew what was going on.
May they rest in peace.

– So half die Münchner Polizei bei der Ermordung von Sinti und Roma. In; Süddeutsche Zeitung. 12.03.2018. http://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/nationalsozialismus-so-half-die-muenchner-polizei-bei-der-ermordung-von-sinti-und-roma-1.3901385
– Gedenken an 75 Jahre Deportation von Sinti und Roma. In: Sonntagsblatt. 13.03.2018. https://www.sonntagsblatt.de/artikel/menschen/gedenken-75-jahre-deportation-von-sinti-und-roma [link-preview url=”https://www.sonntagsblatt.de/artikel/menschen/gedenken-75-jahre-deportation-von-sinti-und-roma”]
