Daily Archives: March 14, 2018

Slovakia: Cancelled

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A project in Žiari nad Hronom, which was supposed to teach long-term unemployed Roma to work, has been stopped. Although it only lasted less than two years, the City Hall decided to cancel it. They claim that the experiment was only partially successful and after the loss of jobs from the Labour Office, they no longer have work for Roma.

– Experiment s nezamestnanými Rómami sa skončil s čiastočným úspechom. In: TA3. 11.03.2018. https://www.ta3.com/clanok/1123639/experiment-s-nezamestnanymi-romami-sa-skoncil-s-ciastocnym-uspechom.html [link-preview url=”https://www.ta3.com/clanok/1123639/experiment-s-nezamestnanymi-romami-sa-skoncil-s-ciastocnym-uspechom.html”]

Exhibition in Nitra, Slovakia

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An exhibition on the premises of the Nitra Gallery will last until 30 April and will showcase the HateFree project, which was first presented in the DOX Center of Contemporary Art in Prague. This project is responding to an increase in hate towards minorities in the Czech Republic. In its present form, the exhibition was established in cooperation with the Museum of Romany Culture in Brno and presents the work of artists from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary.

– Nitrianska galéria ponúka pohľad na postavenie Rómov v spoločnosti. In: 24 Hod. 10.03.2018. http://www.24hod.sk/nitrianska-galeria-ponuka-pohlad-na-postavenie-romov-v-spolocnosti-cl572473.html [link-preview url=”http://www.24hod.sk/nitrianska-galeria-ponuka-pohlad-na-postavenie-romov-v-spolocnosti-cl572473.html”]

Switzerland: More on the Complaint

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Another report on the complaint against the Youth SVP (rightist party) in Bern and their discriminatory poster. The worrisome fact is that after having initially forbidden the post, Facebook re-authorised the post.

– Strafverfahren gegen JSVP wegen «Zigeuner»-Plakat eingeleitet. In: Nau. 12.02.2018. https://www.nau.ch/news/strafverfahren-gegen-jsvp-wegen-zigeuner-plakat-eingeleitet-65308361
– Facebook lässt «Zigeuner»-Plakat der JSVP wieder zu. In: Nau. 05.04.2018. https://www.nau.ch/politik-wirtschaft/facebook-lasst-zigeuner-plakat-der-jsvp-wieder-zu-65305448 [link-preview url=”https://www.nau.ch/news/strafverfahren-gegen-jsvp-wegen-zigeuner-plakat-eingeleitet-65308361 “]
