Daily Archives: March 21, 2018

Ukraine – Stereotypes and Reality

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An essay on negative stereotypes against Roma in the Ukrainian city of Lviv. Unfortunately, these stereotypes have been recently reinforced by the presence of a group of criminal Roma in the centre of the city and the inability of the police to deal with the issue.
As a result, all Roma are considered in a negative light, regardless of what they do.
This is bad, but alas, not new.

– ЯК МОЖНА ПОДОЛАТИ СТЕРЕОТИПИ ПРО РОМІВ У ЛЬВОВІ. In: TVOE MISTO. 19.03.2018. http://tvoemisto.tv/blogs/yak_mozhna_podolaty_stereotypy_pro_romiv_u_lvovi_92132.html [link-preview url=”http://tvoemisto.tv/blogs/yak_mozhna_podolaty_stereotypy_pro_romiv_u_lvovi_92132.html”]

New Lawyer

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Denisa Gannon is the first officially recognised Romni lawyer in England and Wales. She wants to ensure that Roma have access to the law.
We wish her luck!

– Denisa Gannon: ‘Roma people are not getting justice’. In: The Guardian. 20.03.2018. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/mar/20/denisa-gannon-roma-people-not-getting-justice-solicitor [link-preview url=”https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/mar/20/denisa-gannon-roma-people-not-getting-justice-solicitor”]

New Party

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Roma in Sweden have founded a new political party called the Swedish Romani Modern Party (SRMP). They aim at participating to municipal elections and introduce Roma in the organs of municipalities.

– New Roma Party Claims to Be ‘Suspicious’ of Swedish Politicians. In: Sputnik. 20.03.2018. https://sputniknews.com/europe/201803201062714878-sweden-roma-party/ [link-preview url=”https://sputniknews.com/europe/201803201062714878-sweden-roma-party/”]
