Daily Archives: March 23, 2018

Germany: Protests

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There were protests at the airport in Baden, Germany after the deportation of 34 Roma on March 15th to Kosovo. The protests last Wednesday were aimed at further deportations this time to Serbia and Macedonia.

– Humanitäres Bleiberecht für Sinti und Roma erneut einfordern. In: Radio Dreieckland. 22.03.2018. https://rdl.de/beitrag/humanit-res-bleiberecht-f-r-sinti-und-roma-erneut-einfordern [link-preview url=”https://rdl.de/beitrag/humanit-res-bleiberecht-f-r-sinti-und-roma-erneut-einfordern”]

Bosnia: Memorandum

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Ten municipalities in Bosnia have signed a memorandum of understanding confirming that they want to involve Roma in the work of local authorities.
Nice, but let’s see what this does. Right now, the situation of Roma in that country is still very bad.

– Local communities must listen to the Roma voices. In: IBNA. 22.03.2018. http://balkaneu.com/local-community-must-listen-to-the-roma-voices/ [link-preview url=”http://balkaneu.com/local-community-must-listen-to-the-roma-voices/”]

Roma Art

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An exhibition of Roma Art Masterpieces was held in the European Parliament. The exhibition was curated by the European Institute for Art and Culture (ERIAC).

– ‘Hidden Roma Masterpieces’ an exhibition of masterpieces of Roma contemporary art. In: Council of Europe. 20.03.2018. https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/roma/-/asset_publisher/GYHQssTIzR6h/content/-hidden-roma-masterpieces-an-exhibition-of-masterpieces-of-roma-contemporary-art [link-preview url=”https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/roma/-/asset_publisher/GYHQssTIzR6h/content/-hidden-roma-masterpieces-an-exhibition-of-masterpieces-of-roma-contemporary-art”]
