Daily Archives: March 24, 2018

Germany and Roma

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Another article about the perception of Sinti and Roma among Germans and the fact that the former still feel unwelcome. An exhibition and conferences thematise this situation.

– Ablehnung spüren sie bis heute. In: Die Norddeutsche. 20.03.2018. https://www.weser-kurier.de/region/die-norddeutsche_artikel,-ablehnung-spueren-sie-bis-heute-_arid,1712229.html [link-preview url=”https://www.weser-kurier.de/region/die-norddeutsche_artikel,-ablehnung-spueren-sie-bis-heute-_arid,1712229.html”]

The Judge, Roma, and Rats

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The controversy of the election of a judge in Bardejov who compared Roma to rats still continues to make the headlines.
Actually, the judge (Eva Kucova) should have been fired immediately.

– Smeráčka a sudkyňa to poriadne prehnala: Rasistické narážky na Rómov – potkany. In: Topky. 24.03.2018. http://www.topky.sk/cl/100535/1698095/Smeracka-a-sudkyna-to-poriadne-prehnala–Rasisticke-narazky-na-Romov—potkany [link-preview url=”http://www.topky.sk/cl/100535/1698095/Smeracka-a-sudkyna-to-poriadne-prehnala–Rasisticke-narazky-na-Romov—potkany”]

Slovakia: Protests

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Protests continue in Slovakia against the current government, following the recent murder of a journalist and his girlfriend. The journalist was investigating the involvement of the mafia in skimming EU subsidies as well as its closeness to the government.
During these protest, the question of the EU money for Roma was raised – where did this money go? Certainly not to the Roma themselves!

– Banskobystričania na Námestí slobody odmietli bábkovú vládu. In: My Bistrica. 23.03.2018. https://mybystrica.sme.sk/c/20788297/banskobystricania-na-namesti-slobody-odmietli-babkovu-vladu.html [link-preview url=”https://mybystrica.sme.sk/c/20788297/banskobystricania-na-namesti-slobody-odmietli-babkovu-vladu.html”]

EU: New Program

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The EU just launched a new program aimed at integrating Roma at the local level. The program, called Romacted “Promoting Good Governance and Roma Empowerment at Local Level”, was presented on 19 March 2018 in Skopje.

– Launching of the ROMACTED Programme to support Roma integration at local level. In: Council of Europe. 19.03.2018. https://www.coe.int/en/web/skopje/-/launching-of-the-romacted-programme-to-support-roma-integration-at-local-lev-3 [link-preview url=”https://www.coe.int/en/web/skopje/-/launching-of-the-romacted-programme-to-support-roma-integration-at-local-lev-3″]
