Daily Archives: March 25, 2018

Poland: Expulsions – Maybe …

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The story of the Limanowa housing estate is still going on. The mayor of that city wanted to evict Roma from a building in the centre of town without providing any alternatives. This has been dragging on in courts ever since the Ombudsman started legal proceedings against the municipality.
This is now in the last instance … Let’s see.

– W poniedziałek wyrok w sprawie o wstrzymanie eksmisji Romów. In: Limanowa. 23.03.2018. https://limanowa.in/wydarzenia/news;w-poniedzialek-wyrok-w-sprawie-o-wstrzymanie-eksmisji-romow,40708.html [link-preview url=”https://limanowa.in/wydarzenia/news;w-poniedzialek-wyrok-w-sprawie-o-wstrzymanie-eksmisji-romow,40708.html”]

Bardejov, Slovakia

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More on the election of Eva Kučova to the district court of Bardejov. She had compared Roma to rats and is not backing off on her statements…

– Smerácka sudkyňa z ľudu: Rómovia ako potkany. In: Korzar. 21.03.2018. https://presov.korzar.sme.sk/c/20785980/smeracka-sudkyna-z-ludu-romovia-ako-potkany.html
– Smerácka sudkyňa prirovnala Rómov k potkanom. In: Kormidlo. 23.03.2018. http://kormidlo.blog.pravda.sk/2018/03/23/smeracka-sudkyna-prirovnala-romov-k-potkanom/ [link-preview url=”https://presov.korzar.sme.sk/c/20785980/smeracka-sudkyna-z-ludu-romovia-ako-potkany.html “]

French Statistics

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The French “index of tolerance” by which the state measures the tolerance towards foreigners and minorities, is fairly stable.
BUT … Roma are at the bottom of the pile. They are the least tolerated minority in France.

– Les Roms sont les personnes les moins tolérées en France, selon un rapport. In: 20 Minutes (FR). 22.03.2018. https://www.20minutes.fr/societe/2242031-20180322-france-tolerance-stabilise-2017-malgre-actes-haineux-inquietants
– Préjugés racistes : l’indice de tolérance se stabilise en France. In: DNA. 22.03.2018. https://www.dna.fr/actualite/2018/03/22/prejuges-racistes-l-indice-de-tolerance-se-stabilise-en-france [link-preview url=”https://www.20minutes.fr/societe/2242031-20180322-france-tolerance-stabilise-2017-malgre-actes-haineux-inquietants “]

French Chronicle …

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A mixed bag of news this week in France. First, a positive story of two young Roma in a youth communal council near Nantes, in Western France, showing that integration is possible. On the flip side, yet another fire in a Roma camp near that same city. In Lille, in the north, a medical bus is doing the rounds in Roma camps. In Paris, a prefect who seem to ignore the law entirely when he wants to expulse Roma. A festival, “Latcho Divano” aimed at furthering the dialogue between Roma and Gadže opened its doors in Marseilles. And in that same city, a weird story of an abduction of a 3 years old Roma child by his step mother.

– Alberto et Roberto, deux Roms au conseil communal. In: Ouest France. 22.03.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/alberto-et-roberto-deux-roms-au-conseil-communal-5637861
– Près de Nantes. Feu dans un camp de Roms : pas de victims. In: Ouest France. 22.03.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/pres-de-nantes-feu-dans-un-camp-de-roms-pas-de-victimes-5638309
– À Lille, un bus médical se déplace dans les camps de Roms. In: France Bleu. 21.03.2018. https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/a-lille-un-bus-medical-sillonne-les-camps-de-roms-1521660007
– Un préfet hors la loi. In: Mediapart. 20.03.2018. https://blogs.mediapart.fr/juliette-keating/blog/200318/un-prefet-hors-la-loi
– Marseille : Latcho Divano, ” le bel échange ” entretenu. In: La Marseillaise. 20.03.2018. http://www.lamarseillaise.fr/culture/festivals/68587-latcho-divano-le-bel-echange-entretenu
– Enlèvement dans une école à Marseille : comment cela a-t-il pu se passer ? In: Magic Maman. 22.03.2018. http://www.magicmaman.com/enlevement-dans-une-ecole-a-marseille-comment-cela-a-t-il-pu-se-passer,3578265.asp
– Marseille : un enfant de 3 ans kidnappé dans son école. In: Corse Matin. 20.03.2018. https://www.corsematin.com/article/article/marseille-un-enfant-de-3-ans-kidnappe-dans-son-ecole [link-preview url=”https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/nantes-44000/alberto-et-roberto-deux-roms-au-conseil-communal-5637861 “]
