Monthly Archives: March 2018

Switzerland: More on the Complaint

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Another report on the complaint against the Youth SVP (rightist party) in Bern and their discriminatory poster. The worrisome fact is that after having initially forbidden the post, Facebook re-authorised the post.

– Strafverfahren gegen JSVP wegen «Zigeuner»-Plakat eingeleitet. In: Nau. 12.02.2018.
– Facebook lässt «Zigeuner»-Plakat der JSVP wieder zu. In: Nau. 05.04.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

A Testimony

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The story of a young 23 year old Sintica who was deported 75 years to Auschwitz told by one of his family. She did not survive.

– Im Viehtransporter nach Auschwitz: So erlebte das Sinti-Mädchen Unku den Nazi-Terror. In: Focus. 12.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

It is good but …

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Good intentions – getting poor Roma children to school, wrong presentation, especially for Bulgaria. This country had until recently one of the most integrated Roma minority with many of them having completed higher education.
Roma in Bulgaria are Orthodox or Moslems. Why convert them? Religion and humanitarian help are not the best friends.

– Bulgaria: ACN project encourages Roma children to go to school. In: Independent Catholic News. 12.03.2018. [link-preview url=”″]

Munich: Commemoration

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The city of Munich commemorated the deportation of 150 Sinti to Auschwitz 75 years ago. The police was heavily involved in these deportations and knew what was going on.
May they rest in peace.

– So half die Münchner Polizei bei der Ermordung von Sinti und Roma. In; Süddeutsche Zeitung. 12.03.2018.
– Gedenken an 75 Jahre Deportation von Sinti und Roma. In: Sonntagsblatt. 13.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Hungary, Ministers, and the Election

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With the elections nearing in Hungary, the propaganda becomes more and more rabid. A Fidesz candidate now fears that Moslems will take over Hungarian cities (really), and, the part that concerns us, the super minister of Human Resources, Zoltan Balog, made a statement son television saying that government funds earmarked to help integrate the Roma may have to be spent on immigrants instead, if migrants are allowed into to Central and Eastern Europe. This is an attempt at swaying Roma voters to Fidesz.

– Fidesz candidate in Budapest warns of looming Muslim takeover. In: Hungairan Free Press. 11.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

A Sinto in the EU

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Romeo Franz, a German Green politician and a Sinto will be a member of the European Parliament starting in September 2018, replacing Jan Philipp Albrecht who will become minister in the Schleswig Holstein Parliament.

– [link-preview url=””]

French Humour – No Racism …

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The French humourist Patrick Timsit is effectively making racist on Roma comments in his latest show. Be your own judge:
Can one laugh about Roma? [Peut-on rire des roms]
The answer is yes, because they can’t attack you in justice [La réponse est oui, parce qu’ils ne peuvent pas t’attaquer en justice]
To lodge a complaint – you have to get into a police station … [Pour porter plainte il faut rentrer dans un commissariat hein!]
And well, go in, they can – I let you finish… [Et encore, rentrer ils peuvent – je vous laisse finir.]

– Les extraits les plus provocants du spectacle de Patrick Timsit sur les Roms, les nazis, les marseillais, les handicapés… Vidéo. In: Jean Marc Morandi. [link-preview url=””]


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A festival in France. The title is not really to our taste, but good music nevertheless. [link-preview url=””]

Roma Philharmonic

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An Arte reportage of a whole Roma philharmonic orchestra!

– Die Roma und Sinti Philharmoniker. Ein Dirigent und sein Traum. In: Arte. [link-preview url=””]

Switzerland – Racism

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The Bern Young SVP (the Swiss rightist party) who posted a poster against Roma are now being investigated by the prosecutor’s office for racism.
Let’s see whether they will be condemned, which is far from sure in Switzerland.

– Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen Jung-SVP-Chefs. In: Blick. 11.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

French Chronicle …

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Quite a few news in France this week. To start with, a reportage on young Roma doing their civil service and an initiative of a woman helping Romja with sewing classes. Then, the usual litany about camps: In Sainte Luce sur Loire in Western France, the camp was closed but the situation is still tense with many Roma still not re-lodged. In Nantes, a reflection on Roma and the city. Near Paris, in the Essonne, a camp has been destroyed; in Arcueuil, several Roma are threatened with expulsion; In Tireil sur Seine, the state promises the camp closure until the summer; in Ivry, a more successful story of integration; and finally, along the Marne river, garbage collection and camp closure.

– [REPORTAGE] Quand les jeunes roms quittent leur bidonville pour le service civique. In: Neon. 09.03.2018.
– La couture, vecteur d’insertion des femmes roms. In: La Croix. 09.03.2018.
– Sainte-Luce Roms : le maire en appelle à la ” solidarité métropolitaine “. In: Presse Océan. 06.03.2018.
– Roms : la situation apaisée à Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire. In: Ouest France. 04.03.2018.
– Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire : une solution temporaire trouvée pour 10 familles roms. In: France Info. 06.03.2018.
– Sainte-Luce-sur-Loire : après l’expulsion, l’incertitude des familles roms. In: France Info. 04.03.2018.
– Nantes métropole Quelle place pour les Roms dans l’agglomération ? In: Presse Océan. 05.03.2018.
– Essonne : encore un camp Rom détruit. In: Le Parisien. 09.03.2018.
– Nouvelle expulsion entre Ris et Courcouronnes. In: Essonne Info. 09.03.2018.
– Arcueil : un jardin pour contrer la menace d’expulsion des familles roms. In: Le Parisien. 10.03.2018.
– Triel-sur-Seine. L’État promet de fermer le camp de Roms d’ici l’été. In: Actu 78. 09.03.2018.
– Départ des Roms ” avant l’été “, promet le sous-préfet. In: La Gazette des Yvelines. 09.03.2018.
– Ivry-sur-Seine : l’insertion prometteuse des Roms du bidonville Truillot. In: Le Parisien. 07.03.2018.
– Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes / Pomponne ► Berges de la Marne et camp rom : vingt tonnes de déchets évacuées. In: Mag Journal. 06.03.2018.
– Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes : un bateau à l’abordage de la décharge sauvage. In: Le Parisien. 04.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Le Pen …

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Finally, after many appeals, the courts upheld the culpability and penalty of Jean-Marie Le Pen for his 2013 commentaries on Roma:
“Vous avez quelques soucis, paraît-il, avec quelques centaines de Roms qui ont dans la ville une présence urticante et disons odorante. Ceci n’est que le petit morceau de l’iceberg”
“You have some problems, it seems, with a few hundred Roma who have a stinging and let’s say fragrant presence in the city, this is just the tip of the iceberg”
Better late than never …

– Jean-Marie Le Pen définitivement condamné pour ses propos sur les Roms. In: L’Express. 06.03.2018.
– Propos sur les Roms : Jean-Marie Le Pen définitivement condamné à une amende. In: Europe 1. 06.03.2018.
– Roms : Jean-Marie Le Pen définitivement condamné à une amende. In: Le Dauphiné. 06.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

Prague: Demonstration

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A Roma demonstration against racism is planned in Prague on March 17th.
Let’s hope many will attend!

– Romani people to demonstrate against racism on 17 March in the Czech capital. In: Romea. 10.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Prague: New Roma Library

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Roma scholar Ethel Brooks, professor at the Department of Women’s and Gender Studies and Department of Sociology at Rutgers University in New Jersey, published last year “Europe is ours”. It sets out clearly against the cultural apartheid and accepted exploitation society the Roma face across Europe, referring to the movement of Roma-futurism, which it regards as a way to freedom. In February, the Roma-futurismo Library (Dittrichova 13/349, Prague 2) opened in Prague, making accessible the works of Roma authors and titles related to the issues of emancipation of discriminated ethnicities and cultures. The library also serves as a meeting place for cultural and political topics.

– Manifest romské akademičky Ethel Brooks: Evropa je naše. In: Romea. 09.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Greece – Racism and Reaction

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State Minister Christoforos Vernardakis slammed three incidents in Greece this week. First the dismantling of a Neo-Nazi cell, then a verbal attack against a Syriza MP by a Golden Dawn (extreme right) deputy, and finally the one which concerns Roma:

New Democracy’s deputy Athanassios Davakis stated that he forbade any Roma or gypsy to vote for him …

No comments.

– Greek Minister Slams ‘Rhetoric of Hatred’. In: Greek Reporter. 09.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

More articles …

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More articles on the commemorations of the mass deportation of Roma and Sinti from Germany to Auschwitz 75 years ago.

– Endstation Auschwitz: Als Sinti und Roma von Bremen in den Tod geschickt wurden. In: Buten un Binnen. 08.03.2018.
– Gedenkveranstaltung erinnert an Völkermord an Sinti und Roma. In: Focus. 04.03.2018.
– Deportiert, ermordet und vergessen. In: Frankfurter Rundschau. 06.03.2018.
– Gedenkfeier für deportierte Sinti und Roma am Wiesbadener Mahnmal. In; Wiesbadener Kurier. 09.03.2018.
– Gedenken an die März-Deportationen von Sinti und Roma. In: Stuttgart. 09.03.2018. [link-preview url=” “]

75 Years

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An event in the Czech Republic to commemorate the deportation of Roma to Auschwitz. This is new in the Czech Republic …

– Event in Brno marks anniversary of Roma transfer to Auschwitz. In: The Prague Monitor. 07.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Empowering Women

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The council of Europe is stating that women are change makers and that empowering Roma and Traveller women and girls to access leadership positions is the key towards the inclusion of Roma and Travellers into society.

– ROMA-Latest News. In: Council of Europe. 08.03.2018. [link-preview url=””]

Clichés in Film

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An essay on the racists clichés that are prevalent in films regarding Roma. This was clear in the children movie “Nelly’s Adventures” which portrayed Roma in a totally stereotypic fashion. What is really bad is that the filmmakers and public alike do not even realise that the depiction of Roma is racist, because the stereotypes are so firmly anchored in society.

– MEHR EMPÖRUNG ÜBER ANTIZIGANISMUS IM FILM. In: Bell Tower. 08.03.2018.örung-über-antiziganismus-im-film-13435 [link-preview url=”örung-über-antiziganismus-im-film-13435″]