Daily Archives: June 8, 2018

Concert and Workshop

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A workshop with school children on stereotypes and a concert in Germany with Dotschy Reinhardt.

– Klischees und Wirklichkeit von Sinti und Roma. In: SWP. 06.06.2018. https://www.swp.de/suedwesten/staedte/ehingen/stigmatisierung-entgegentreten-26905554.html
– Sinti-Klänge im historischen Spiegelsaal. In: Schwäbische. 06.06.2018. https://www.schwaebische.de/landkreis/alb-donau-kreis/obermarchtal_artikel,-sinti-klänge-im-historischen-spiegelsaal-_arid,10881141.html

Ukraine; UN Demands Investigation

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The UN is asking Ukraine to investigate the spate of attacks against Roma in the country.

– ООН требует расследовать нападения на ромов в Украине. In: Korrespondent. 01.06.2018. https://korrespondent.net/ukraine/3976489-oon-trebuet-rassledovat-napadenyia-na-romov-v-ukrayne
– ООН призвала власти Украины расследовать атаки на ромов и ЛГБТ. In: Liga. 01.06.2018. http://news.liga.net/politics/news/oon-prizvali-vlasti-ukrainy-rassledovat-ataki-na-romov-i-lgbt

Ukraine and Pogroms

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The Ukrainian police is refusing to talk about the suspects of the various recent attacks against Roma in the country. They even refused to say whether anyone is being suspected at all of these attacks.

– Погром лагеря ромов: полиция отказалась говорить о подозреваемых. In: Liga. 04.06.2018. http://news.liga.net/incidents/news/pogrom-lagerya-romov-politsiya-otkazalas-govorit-o-podozrevaemyh

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